Watched Ultramarines last night and I have to say for a first attempt they should be proud of themselves.
Its a bit short, its not take your breath away animation and there are a few long pauses. BUT, the animation is more than acceptable and although the eyes have that "dead" look about them ALL animation like this has the same problem (Final Fantasy, Polar Express) The pauses are noticeable but nothing like the scale of the some Anime films. Evangelion has some legendary pauses with what looks like a frozen picture, UM does have pauses or at least silence but the characters are at least still moving. The one thing I would say is the backgrounds look a bit iffy in places.
Story itself? Well it doesn't explain anything so if you don't have even a rudimentary understanding of the 40K world your going to struggle although this clearly for fans only - it would take a 2 hour film just to explain the fluff.
Theres some question marks over one sqaud escaping alive where a company of Imperial Fists takes a complete shoeing but it is by design that they escape. Again, to explain more would have taken too much time. a lot of Dan Abnett books have a "10 Vs 10000" theme so I'm not sure why fans are surprised the same occurs here.
The packaging etc is first rate and really well presented and IMO worth the £30.
My only gripe was the DVD itself - it whines in my Bluray drive. Other DVDs and Blurays are fine but the UM one makes this irritating whine noise. Had the sound through my surround which drowned it out though. Be interested to here if others find the same - the disc itself kinda feels a bit thicker???