United States Grand Prix 2015, Austin - Race 16/19

28 Sep 2008
Sorry, but why on earth would Rosberg do that? Reduce his chances of beating Vettel in the championship to try and keep the championship open so Hamilton has a chance to lose it? He wouldn't exactly be keeping his own championship hopes alive by collected fewer points.

That's some pretty warped thinking.

Yes, so therefore typical of Rosberg. A DNF for Hammy and Vettel would have seen him straight back in with a chance (and payback opportunity)
15 May 2007
Ipswich / Bodham
Yes, so therefore typical of Rosberg. A DNF for Hammy and Vettel would have seen him straight back in with a chance (and payback opportunity)

Spa last year effectively neutered Rosberg taking aggressive against Hamilton on the track, so now he's just reduced to being surly and cap tossing. If he'd have tried to pull what you suggest he'd be looking for a new team next year and Wehrlein would be testing his Merc for the rest of this year whilst Rosberg recovers from a 'lower back injury' from the kicking Toto would give him.
20 May 2010
Englishman in the USA
You do realise that if Vettel had finished 2nd and Rosberg 3rd that Rosberg would have been out of the championship?

But if Hamilton n Vettel had DNF'd, like he says, Rosberg would have been back in the championship.

Hamilton's move at the start was a bit of a **** move. If someone had done that to him or if it had been Vettel he'd have pushed off I would expect there to have been some sort of penalty. It could have easily ended up in a similar way to the Hulk/Ricciardo incident. I guess I just feel robbed of a bit of action through the next few corners as Rosberg wasn't able to fight back due to being shoved off the track.
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Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
I was expecting Lewis to get some sort of penalty for the 1st corner though. Sky switched to Lewis' onboard camera and it looked like he could have turned into the corner a lot more than what he did.

That very much depends on grip and it looked like heavy undeersteer as it was, turning wheel more would unlikely achieve anything but less grip and more sliding. Car telemetry will have the real answer.
9 Nov 2005
Maybe part of the turn 1 incident came about because pole position on the starting grid was on the outside of the corner. If pole was on the left, despite a worse start, Rosberg should have been able to prevent Hamilton from passing around the outside.

I can't remember specifics off the top of my head, but aren't there a number of tracks now on the calendar where the advantage of pole position is being reduced by being on the wrong side of the track?
20 May 2010
Englishman in the USA
That very much depends on grip and it looked like heavy undeersteer as it was, turning wheel more would unlikely achieve anything but less grip and more sliding. Car telemetry will have the real answer.

But he admitted after the race that he straightened the car up and Nico didn't. I think Ted mentioned it in his notebook segment.
8 Jul 2015
Hahaha. What about when he was at redbull and got outclassed by ricciardo?

Yeah, 2014 was nothing short of dismal for Vettel, Ricciardo is top class. - At the start of this season I would have said 2014 was dismal for Kimi too, but I'm starting to think he's losing it.

Alonso, sure I can remember some lad in his first ever year of F1 giving him a run for his money, almost winning the WDC.

Also who was that lad who was driving that unrealible dog of a McLaren and almost stole the WDC from vettel?

Who was it again?

Fair comparisons lol. Some people are so blind. Hamilton is right up there with some of the best drivers to be in F1. Might have the worst dress sense out of the lot.

My comment was towards Vettel, not Lewis. I believe the best way to compare drivers is through teammates, but each to their own. What season did Lewis "Almost stole the WDC from Vettel", though?

Rosberg will never be the same now he's a father - he'll always have that thought at the back of his mind that he has responsibilities and it makes him that bit slower - IMO!

What was the race before he had a child, Italy? He did a segment with Sky where he jokingly said he hopes the rumours that losing 1s/lap after you have a baby were not true. Whilst I don't think there should be many, if any, excuses allowed about being a bad F1 driver, I can imagine becoming a father changing your ability to think straight a little bit.

As much as I'm glad Hammy won it, I can't help but feel Rosberg is even more stupid than he seems. He could easily have feigned issues on the closing lap to allow Vettel to come 2nd, therefore technically keeping the WC alive.

He would've gotten fired so quickly if he did this, but he was going so slow through the last couple of laps I thought he was doing it, out of spite.
1 Jun 2013
I loved what Hamilton said to the BBC when asked when he started thinking he could be world champion. Words to the affect of "When Nico was in front of me with ten laps to go. I thought 'the world championship is just there' [points in front of himself]. I could either settle for second, or man up and go and get it. So of course I manned up".

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

Well done to Lewis. Did what he needed to win. Great race :)

What's happened to Kimi? The man is a liability! Sawing at the wheel and nailing the throttle when he was up against the wall was like something out of F1 '97, when you'd spun and ended up in the barriers.
18 Oct 2002
I'm surprised someone said they like Rosberg as a character. He's the least charming guy on the grid, he's literally never funny, he misses jokes, acts awkwardly, gives bad interviews. When he's in a good mood he's honestly one of the most lifeless boring drivers in history, when he's in a bad mood he makes it awkward for everyone around him.

Markedly improved this year... lol, he's been very very average both seasons, if not for the bad luck Hamilton had last year he'd never have been in with a shout at either championship. He's extremely lucky Hamilton had so much bad luck last year that people actually consider him a top driver now, without it no one would, he'd just be the guy getting thrashed.

Verstappen I want to see in a top car ASAP, but not Ferrari, at least not with Vettel there. They are a team very much focused on making the no.1 driver look like a beast. Does no one find it a coincidence that drivers who end up in the no.2 role there are stronger before and after being at Ferrari but while there they look almost incompetent?
16 Nov 2003
I loved what Hamilton said to the BBC when asked when he started thinking he could be world champion. Words to the affect of "When Nico was in front of me with ten laps to go. I thought 'the world championship is just there' [points in front of himself]. I could either settle for second, or man up and go and get it. So of course I manned up".

That's the difference between him and rosberg. Rosberg will take second and hope for a Hamilton retirement where as Hamilton will grab the bull by the horns and go for it. Granted it doesn't always pay off but that's what makes a racer a top class racer.
3 Aug 2008
Nelson, South Wales
Q: Looking at both your statistics with Mercedes, there are two titles and 21 race wins on Lewis’s side and zero titles and eight race wins on yours. How do you explain that?

NR: He was driving better - that’s the biggest chunk. And then probably that luck was not really on my side - and that plays a role in our sport.

Yea.. Lewis had no luck last year and still beat you...
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