I am not sure why you are so scared of Communism. You have never lived under Communist system, and just recall.... like " one granny said...... "
I have lived and can say that it isn't frightening at all. Actually, there will be many advantages for the people over the current capitalist society.
It would be interesting to hear what 'communist' state you apparently lived under....
1) no country could actually be properly described as actually being communist what with communism being the eutopian end goal of socialism (this of course has not stopped a number of countries calling themselves 'communist')
2) the degree to which life in a self declared 'socialist/ communist' state was/is tolerable to the general populace tends to be inversely proportional to the degree to which the state actually is Socialist in its nature.....
And 3......
Theres not that many Socialist/ 'communist' countries you can have spent much of your life in and likely still be likely to be commenting in this forum?
I didn't intend this thread to turn in to a capitalism vs communism debate.
It was intended to discuss how UBI may be necessary given future autonomy.
But regardless, communism is anti-democratic as it doesn't allow views that go against the system.. this is fundamentally dangerous, ergo why it has failed everywhere.
UBI at any meaningful level of payment is inherently linked to socialism so you can't expect to talk about it without discussing socialism.
Socialism (see above why communism is only something that countries or organisations have labelled themselves as opposed to an actual reality as its a eutopian end goal of socialism) hasn't just failed because of its anti democratic nature.....
Much like UBI socialism tends to destroys the incentive for an individual, group or organisation to innovate or work harder then other individuals, groups or organisations....
If the 'people' / state place claim on everything including the product or Labour what incentive is there to work harder, innovate or improve.
The belief that UBI would somehow free the populace to be a collective of arty, contented people gainfully occupying their time with positive deeds free from the grind of work is a total fantasy....
You only have to look at what happens to people today who for one reason or another find they don't have to work to support themsleves or their family (this doesn't have to be paid work - for example a stay at home parent would still count)
If humans do ever find themselves relived of the need to do any form of work due to automation then I imagine it won't be long before necessarily intelligent machines we have created to take on these tasks work out that we are totally surplus to requirement.