Unreal Tournament news on the horizon!

can't remember what rig I was running ut99 on but it was back in my 56k days :p maybe geforce 2/3 i think I had...

still got the discs at home, had the ut99GOTY edition with unreal and its expansions :p favorite online was capture the flag on the space map where there were two towers and like 2 earth walk ways between the two. fell off so many times xD

THIS BETTER BE GOOD!!!! and please don't be as clunky as UT3 :( (and copy the Gears of war guy and paste him onto the box... lol...infact....UT3 was basically a multiplayer gears of war? :p )
Such as great game, I remember firing up the demo for the first time and just playing ctf constantly. For me ctf was where it was at, ctf+instantgib now that was a barrel of laughs.
Used to play a bit on an instagib ctf server - 24x7 lava giant with a couple of mutators based around the dr strangelove mutator for the redeemer hah - IIRC if you got 5 or 7 kills in a row you got rewarded 1 shot of it with the player giggling manically as it rode the redeemer in - but it was also using the chain mod for the redeemer so anyone you killed with it also exploded in a small thermo-nuclear explosion and so on if anyone was in the blast radius of that and you'd get all the kills.

EDIT: Do miss that a bit with games being more and more locked down to prevent modding, not something you want to play all the time but those completely off the wall mods for Q2/3 and Unreal/99 were a great laugh sometimes i.e. capture the chicken.
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For me it was Q3 > UT 99 > UT 2004

The physics in Q3 were just so damn 'tight' it was like everything you did with your keyboard and mouse transferred instantly to your character. In UT 99 I absolutely loved Deck 16 and Morpheus I think it was with the gravity lol.
For me it was Q3 > UT 99 > UT 2004

The physics in Q3 were just so damn 'tight' it was like everything you did with your keyboard and mouse transferred instantly to your character.

I'm loving Quake Live at the moment. Basically free Q3 online with different maps, always low ping servers and ranked matches.

It shows how little skill is involved in multiplayer games now when you start getting mid air rail gunned from the other side of a map :)

Plus slowly learning every weapon has its use at some point instead of just using one as 'its the best'
At the time I thought it was a slow game for people who weren't good enough to play Quake, lol. Hearing the announcement though i'm really excited to see it come out, perhaps we've gone full circle and they'll now be a return to the twitch based shooters of old!

Good on them for doing it.

Well we should be getting the news soon. I am oddly excited and terrified at the same time. God I hope it is going to be good.
live right now on twitch. they announced it officially.

yay, its starting today and its free :)
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Its not "FTP" it's going to be 100% free, everything they make for it will be free, no micro transactions or anything to buy. The game will be completely free. They are essentially making the game to help market their engine.

I think there will be a market place for player made content though, but everything epic make will be free.
Its not "FTP" it's going to be 100% free, everything they make for it will be free, no micro transactions or anything to buy. The game will be completely free. They are essentially making the game to help market their engine.

I think there will be a market place for player made content though, but everything epic make will be free.

yes I understood that;) :p

They're having an open discussion with all of us which I think we'll all agree is very exciting:cool::)
Missed the start. Have they shown any footage / images yet? Or just chatting?
Either way - liking the idea of a free unreal game with a modern engine that we can work on! :D
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