Unreal Tournament news on the horizon!

Make it PC ONLY then we are on the right track. on a side note UT2004 is still regularly played and UT3:Black by myself

edit: just seen the wiki, YAY PC ONLY!

It can't be - this is Epic we're talking about. There must be a catch.

It can't be - this is Epic we're talking about. There must be a catch.

Positive thoughts man!! They make the majority of money from the game engine rather than their games. If they make a properly good free game that anyone can mod it will potentially get a lot more people buying then engine.

Considering you can buy the engine at quite a low price from memory with Epic just taking a cut of what you sell it should even open up nicely for indy devs.

Fingers crossed!
Make it PC ONLY then we are on the right track. on a side note UT2004 is still regularly played and UT3:Black by myself

edit: just seen the wiki, YAY PC ONLY!

I have UT2004 installed, went back to it a few months back not playing it now but I play mainly iCTF
Oh, I'd love it to be true, but I remember what Mark Rein has had to say about developing for the PC before. :p
Only one thing left I need to know. Will it have the translocator? No translocator means it ain't UT ......
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Won't be on xbox or PS3 because it sounds like almost everything will be user created. Sony and Microsoft don't like allowing unchecked expansions in case someone releases something that could get them sued... I think that's their reasoning anyway.

The old UT games had a load of maps released with them, but hundred of maps and other mods released by the community. The best maps were often bundled together by Epic as a Community Bonus Pack but I think in UT3 this was to allow them to release them for consoles. Then again, wasn't there a way to get your maps onto PS3?

The mods in old UT games weren't just maps and skins and guns though... There were mods to make UT into a car racing game (At least 2 actually I think!), WW2 COD style shooters, and RPG type invasion modes where you rank up your character attributes and eventually have a gun that fires a gazillion bullets a second and run around at 100mph... You could practically turn UT into any multiplayer game you've played this last 10 years.
Sounds like it has huge potential, just hope the team or even modders make something for ctf, tdm + dm without any vehicles or leveling up etc (just like ut99) something you can just jump in and out of as well as competitive.

Pretty excited as the unreal engine seems so much stronger than the id engine with the number of games that utilize it in recent years (in comparison to buggy bethesda games on the id engine)
UT better than Q3? hmm I always remember playing Q3 since the .demo came out, it was way more fun atleast I spent way more time playing Q3 online than UT.

UT for me was just good singleplayer and at lan's, back then 56k modem meant that Q3 online was just better online, where UT online was pretty bad with the netcode. It really meant that unless you had faster internet or were playing at LAN it was only good with bots.

I'm tied on which was really better though, technically UT for sure, though both had great mods, third party maps, I enjoyed playing both in the end. UT soundtrack was definitely better than Q3 overall. And Q2 soundtrack was better than Q3.

UT2k3 was forgettable after UT2k4 came out and lived on past all the other craap that came out from Epic and ID afterwards.

Can only hope it Epic get back to making a good PC game, not some consolized No like UT3
If you couldn't play ut on a 56k modem means you was crap at it.:D
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This is brilliant news. Quake 3, UT99 and Counter-Strike in 1999/2000 were some of the most exciting multiplayer advances in gaming, so I can't wait to see Unreal Tournament come back. All we need is another Quake game now.
All we need is another Quake game now.
Quake2 remake ftw :D

CTF with weapon drops
proper strafe jumping with acceleration
accelerated double box jumping
real railgun
q2dm1 dueling :)
etc ....

altho maybe the games from the 90's were so good because of the small (in comparison to now) communities that made and played it?
altho maybe the games from the 90's were so good because of the small (in comparison to now) communities that made and played it?

Quite possibly, I used to play a lot on Wireplay with the odd blast on Barrysworld and everyone kinda knew everyone as the communities were small compared to today.
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