*URGENT* FRAUD! Where do I stand?

:( schoolboy error unfortunately.

As said, VXR rims in mint condition with tyres do not go for £270. Can't believe you didnt check his history and pay more attention to how long he had signed up for.
It's easily done I've fallen for a scam myself.

Saw a cheap gfx card on a auction site and thought oooh must grab that quick.

170 quid lighter and a week later I realised I wasn't getting my card.

Got most of my money back in the end via a claimback but lost 50 quid.
Right peeps :)

After him STILL sending me messages saying im gonna get the items Ive started informing all the admins about him...The admins have been great and are offering a lot of help. Theyve closed his threads and are looking into his account. Also they have said that if after a reasonable time for delviery the item still hasnt arrived they can take it further.

One of the people on my Coupe forums said I would be able to get my money back aswell altohugh it may take afew weeks :D

Basically what he said is, I make a statment to the Police and get a crime ref number off them, give that to Barclays which then makes the case classed as fraud so ill get money of insurance.

Hopefully it all works out!
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One of the people on my Coupe forums said I would be able to get my money back aswell altohugh it may take afew weeks :D

Basically what he said is, I make a statment to the Police and get a crime ref number off them, give that to Barclays which then makes the case classed as fraud so ill get money of insurance.

Hopefully it all works out!
I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. Whose insurance does this person think will cough up for this? Barclays won't have insurance that covers you paying someone who then doesn't send the goods. They transferred the cash, which is what you asked them to do after all. You can't accuse Barclays of anything - they stuck to their end of the deal.

As I see it, your only option is to take the guy to court for breach of contract. County court (small claims court) will suffice due to the amount of cash involved.
you will easy get the money back through small claims if you get a crime number etc from police. all you will have to do is fill in some forms
Most I've ever been scammed out of was £10, it was a group scam though where loads of us paid £10. The guy spent weeks building up trust with us etc, I dont understand the point for £100 .__.
So how long do I have to wait before I can go about getting all this sorted? Could someone give me a step by step of what to do?

I rang the police today but they said without waiting "for time to deliver" I cant give a statment or do anything basically...Should I go down to the station in person?

So do i give a statement afew weeks? Ask them to give me this crime ref number and then ***? Should I go to my bank and see if they can do anything then try the claims court? Orrrr....
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Thinking for yourself is a good start, i have seen no indication you've thought about anything or researched it at all, you've just asked other people to do the legwork in recovering the money YOU lost, (which police station to call, lol).

Surely the Police are far better informed than OCUK, perhaps they can help you with where to go next, what to do etc.

Maybe talk to your parents, you're obviously not the sharpest tool in the box, maybe you'd best have one present when dealing with the bank/police.

Also if you cant make a statement for a few weeks dont just sit on your rear end for the time, collate evidence, work out a clear idea of what is going on for someone looking in (i.e the police/banks/small claims).

People, pfft
you will easy get the money back through small claims if you get a crime number etc from police. all you will have to do is fill in some forms

Yes, all would be easy as it is a breach of contract.

However, the challenging part would be getting the guys details.
hey fox will you take £350 BT? email in trust


@OP - as I am sure you are now aware BT is one of the far less secure ways to do a transaction. It's why the Nigerian phone scammers, etc like to use it. If it was such a good deal you should have considered picking them up in all honesty. The second you see BT as the payment option, I would run a mile in future.
Epic bump!

did he get his money back? :)

lol my thread is alive once more!

Well if you are talking about me, No. I havent got my money back yet...I went to the police gave my statement and all the jazz, they said that they have caught the guy that has been ripping people off (apparently hes ripped off people at a value of £12,000) and hes currently on bail. Plod said he is to appear in court late February and that hes filled in a compensation form so I may get some of the money back :)

Just have to wait and see how it goes. Fingers crossed!
lol my thread is alive once more!

Well if you are talking about me, No. I havent got my money back yet...I went to the police gave my statement and all the jazz, they said that they have caught the guy that has been ripping people off (apparently hes ripped off people at a value of £12,000) and hes currently on bail. Plod said he is to appear in court late February and that hes filled in a compensation form so I may get some of the money back :)

Just have to wait and see how it goes. Fingers crossed!

Great to hear you got an outcome of sorts from it and to see that the police have seen things through. £12k is a pretty hefty amount, he will almost certainly be looking at jail. Assuming he bothers turning up to court of course. GL with compo claim.
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