urgent help on 1st build!

any ideas where to get a cheap speaker from?

Guessing you might be too young to get an account on the famous auction site - I think you have to be 16 or 18? Do you know someone who has an account?

I'd get one and send it to you, but I'm not home until the 23rd and that's a long time to wait :p
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what should my next step be?

Twiddle your thumbs until it arrives ;)

Or, as i've just posted this in another thread and it does apply to you too: (i've just copy and pasted my reply but it still makes sense.)

It might be worth checking the credibility of your PSU – just so you can rule it out.

Go to Admiral Hubby’s site – link and scroll down to ‘How to check Your PSU is working’ and ‘Using a multimeter to check your PSU’.

You shouldn’t have any problems as his instructions are easy to follow - and it would be great experience for you as you seem eager to learn.
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brilliant! Hubby you've got a cool site there mate, will defo try this out =)

btw, how long does royal mail second class take?
It might be worth checking the credibility of your PSU – just so you can rule it out.

Go to Admiral Hubby’s site – link and scroll down to ‘How to check Your PSU is working’ and ‘Using a multimeter to check your PSU’.

You shouldn’t have any problems as his instructions are easy to follow - and it would be great experience for you as you seem eager to learn.

I really should have added a disclaimer onto that post:

Disclaimer: To Minato’s parents - if your son fries himself implementing said test – blame Hubby! ;)

It’s a straight forward test Minato but you should still be very careful - as long as you’re not juggling water bombs while carrying out the test you should be fine.
well I do like to juggle water bombs often...lol, joking. I'm just hoping to get this sorted ASAP so I can start enjoying my summer holidays lol.
I just wanted to use my 1000th post to say I hope you are able to get your rig up and running soon and get some enjoyment out of a system you have clearly devoted a lot of time and effort to.

That link on Hubby's looks good, If you don't have a multimeter around you should find them in a shop rhyming with slaplins. A multimeter should be cheap and is always very useful to have around.
thanks very much andi, and gratz on 1000 posts! yeah, I was actually planning to pop down to that shop, see if there's anything interesting there.
called up OcUK again, the guy there didn't think it was the PSU or CPU, so he told me to RMA the motherboard. I think I can probably send it off, and get it back in time for the speaker to arrive lol, and this also would eliminate any doubt, as if they send the motherboard back and they say it's working fine, we'll know it's either the PSU or CPU, and we'll have the speaker to help with that.
That sounds like a good plan. Hopefully you will get the board back reasonably quickly.

And and as you say, if the board is not bust then you can
further narrow down the problem.

Best of luck with the RMA.
thanks mate =)

packed up the box and everything, so now I just need to get them sent off (Motherboard and RAM.) Do you think it's possible to send them both in a single box? with two RMA numbers on it...would save a bit on postage lol.
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