Valve cooking up something...?

This is all starting to take the ****.Rift, MS Hololens, HTC/Valve vr, Morpheus ect etc. Its going to get to saturation point and no-ones going to win.
Too much choice I tells ye!

Nooooooo!!! Just what us consumers want... choices X.x HALP APPLE PLEASE MAKE A VR HEADSET SOON!!!!

Its great to see competition and more importantly variety for consumers. I can seen the Valve VR tech being one of the more expensive/aimed at core audience devices which I can't wait to get my hands on :D I've been messing around with a DK2 which I have borrowed from work and the experiences are amazing.

Just need some proper experiences crafted for VR now so it could be used for a longer than 20 minute session! Or the tech to catch up so using it for a longer period of time in a fast motion game or traditional sim is more comfortable. After 30 minutes or so playing Live for Speed with the DK2 your eyes tend to go funny due to the low resolution.
While I agree more competition is generally a good thing, could it potentially be an issue if extra work is involved to make games support all the individual devices.

Anyway, excited by this news. Lets hope its not subject to the usual Valve delays.
Competition and choice is great of course but when you have the several options of where your £300-£500 goes all of a sudden I am NOT the early adopter.
I choose the wrong queue in a supermarket consistently so I'll be jiggered if I throw my money at the wrong VR headset.
While I agree more competition is generally a good thing, could it potentially be an issue if extra work is involved to make games support all the individual devices.

Anyway, excited by this news. Lets hope its not subject to the usual Valve delays.

and this ^^
The more work devs have to put in getting thier game/software working with different kits the more likelyhood of an upset J.Public. I mean, look at Ubisoft and the (oft worthy) grief they get for poor ports and imagine them being asked to port to umpteen new VR headsets all with their own tech requirements...
Its gonna get worse before it gets better etc etc...
It would appear that a VR headset is what they've been teasing.
you are 6 posts late ;)

kinda glad Valve are plunging into it, i was never interested in OR's facebook.
I'll buy a HTC/Valve one though, it will be designed with only gaming in mind, and obviously Valve games.
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I really do wonder what's going on with HL3, presumably they would want a new engine for it so id expect that's being worked on. Hard to believe its almost 11 years after HL2 and near 8 years after episode 2 left us on a large Cliffhanger :eek:.

Just seems weird it all went by the wayside and Episode 3 never appeared and that since then they've really dodged questions on anything relating to EP 3 or Halflife 3. You'd think by now some significant progress must have been made on another instalment or a new engine for it, if not its a scary thought as to how long we still have to wait to get our hands on it :(
Competition and choice is great of course but when you have the several options of where your £300-£500 goes all of a sudden I am NOT the early adopter.
I choose the wrong queue in a supermarket consistently so I'll be jiggered if I throw my money at the wrong VR headset.

We had a Betamax when I was a lad. :(
Of the two brands Oculus & Valve, my heart lies with the latter. The tech with this model sounds perfect for VR, but needs proving. GDC will be an eye opener this year, I'm sure.

Consoles won't be able to handle VR for another 10 years, so whilst we wait, the PC market will potentially decide which manufacturer leads the race.

If Valve release this alongside Source 2, and open up the development framework and dev licensing rights, this will absolutely storm the PC market. If they release HL3 too at the same time, everyone will buy it.

[edit] I've just read the resolution is 1920x1080. This is not enough, IMO.[/edit]
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On a side note I think this is a shrewd move for HTC. They've needed something for a while, and if this works this'll be a big boost. Of course if it doesn't they're probably not far from pushing up the daisies.
Of the two brands Oculus & Valve, my heart lies with the latter. The tech with this model sounds perfect for VR, but needs proving. GDC will be an eye opener this year, I'm sure.

Consoles won't be able to handle VR for another 10 years, so whilst we wait, the PC market will potentially decide which manufacturer leads the race.

If Valve release this alongside Source 2, and open up the development framework and dev licensing rights, this will absolutely storm the PC market. If they release HL3 too at the same time, everyone will buy it.

[edit] I've just read the resolution is 1920x1080. This is not enough, IMO.[/edit]

The res is 1200*1080 per eye isn't it?
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