Valve cooking up something...?

I just hope the steam machine initiative will not be botched up. It is long overdue for PCs to become mass selling living room devices. Consoles have been messing the industry for long enough.
I want them to do this to the games industry again.

Yes! Me too.

I do believe Valve are working on something(s) very interesting. Half-life was supposed to be great on the Oculus Rift. Looking forward to finding out what joys they can create for us next.
I hope its HL3.

If it is VR tech, i hope that includes the movement tracking technology they use in consoles so you can actually interact with the virtual enviroment, and not just a headset to essentially replace a monitor.
Haven't they said a lot of the stuff they will be showing off already? Final controller design, the latest bunch of steam boxes and there AR stuff.
I remember when these guys used to make games, really good ones.
I enjoyed them all.
But they've been consumed by the accidental success of their DRM platform.
I don't care about VR, their stupid OS, their stupid controller, their console attempt, free-to-play-hat based-community bleh.
I liked the half life games, the portal games, the L4D games with good writing, voice acting & animation & environment design.
Anyway, I don't mind too much - those games were good fun, if they ever decide to make any more in the same spirit, I'll buy them, I'm just not holding my breath.
Their OS could/will benefit them and us in the long run, it's not that stupid really.

Well, I was being a bit hyperbolic of course :)
But it has no appeal to me at all. Compared to windows it supports far less games and always will.
Outside of games (although I do play games, I do a lot more on my computer) - it's not well suited to much else, dual boot ? why would I bother ?
I'm quite happy with my OS, I'd rather have a big single player game from valve :)
Valve enter the VR arena


However, HTC has said that the headset features can display video at 90 frames per second (fps) - an important consideration as many developers believe a rate lower than 60fps can cause nausea.

It includes two 1,200 by 1,080 pixel screens to provide high definition - but not 4K - quality graphics, and allows existing sets of headphones to be plugged into its side.

^^ request a dev kit of it.. available Spring 2015 and consumer version Christmas holidays 2015
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I think if anyone can push the PC into being a more mainstream living room gaming device it's valve.

Having said that I'm otherwise in total agreement with Quixote, I miss their games and am still massively ****ed off at the lack of closure with HL2 Ep2.

If they don't want to put out games directly then I wish they'd use some of their wealth to acquire a few more studios to put out some games like they did with Turtle Rock and the L4D series and the original CS.

I'm sure their Steam box would be a more interesting proposition with more Valve content to play on it, I suppose there might be given how good they are at keeping these things quiet.
This is all starting to take the ****.Rift, MS Hololens, HTC/Valve vr, Morpheus ect etc. Its going to get to saturation point and no-ones going to win.
Too much choice I tells ye!
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