At a basic level when the pressure is on people make stupid mistakes. Passengers on a plane panicking has shown they can struggle to open emergency doors. It’s simple but your mind can get overloaded.
In the offiside scenario if there was a process which meant they had to confirm back the original decision and what the final decision should be then this would not have happened. Humans make mistakes, so surely it makes sense to put in place processes to protect your employees from making them.
That’s why I like what Klopp said on match of the day.
As I said I don’t expect people to agree just putting an alternative opinion across.
And i get that as well, it's easy from the comfort of our own homes to say we'd make the right decision/stop the game. Much harder when you're in the thick of it. But nobody seemed to be willing to put their head above the parapet from that audio, which is worrying
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