Back again but this time with some fun... image dump and im going through giving some context
Finally some alix junk turned up
- a load of gg mods, a squirtle shell because i havent done a squirtle yet... and that all important t56 and sop48 adapter
- Now my t56 is here I can crack on
First up I'm going to just make a swan cart. I go down the list and see space invaders is on this layout board so that's what im making, its not a translation for now just a normal space invaders swan cart just to make sure i know what im doing. First up we plug in the MX rom chip and just check we can read it and that all is well... of course we are good to go.
So I pull a space invaders rom and things get weird, the swan needs a 4mb rom and space invaders is 1mb so we just need to make it into a 4mb to do that we just open up command prompt, and "copy /p" and boom we have our 4mb rom file which we then write to our chip...
Next up we need our fpga programmed up, the pcb files have a program for this chip so i open up the fpga file, load it into quartus 2 and using my altera blaster dev board i program a chip
so far so good!
Chips removed, and ready to put on my pcb:
First one on!
And both chips ready!
Down side im still waiting on filter caps but it should work right?
First mission accomplished, as i say not quite ready yet as I am waiting on some caps etc and then I need to design and 3d print some cart holder things! But so far so good. Next up some translations!