virgin Atlantic lets male pilots and crew wear skirts to 'express their true identity'

I have flown with female pilots and they have always worn trousers. It’s fine to wear a skirt on the airbus but in the Boeing your legs have to go around the yoke. I don’t know how it will work..

That's a very good point, how long before we hear of a skirt related air disaster?

I've got nothing against the bloke cabin crew wearing skirts but I wouldn't be selecting an isle seat any time soon. That way they won't have anything against me!
Baffles me that people would even be concerned over something so small like this.

You don’t even see the pilots so you wouldn’t know unless they walked up and down the plane.
I'd just find it funny.
I'm sorry but my generation born 76, find men in skirts funny, doesn't matter if it's a kilt or sexy pleated, pencil number.

It's not normal, yet, so it's funny.

If someone wants to single themselves out to express themselves fine but they should expect friction. I think that's all part of the fun though :p
I can see lot or legal cases by this "express your identity.". .This is freaky, but I guess just a reflection of social breakdown in the UK.
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I can see lot or legal cases by this "express your identity.". .This is freaky, but I guess just a reflection of social breakdown in the UK.

It's not societal breakdown - it's societal change. It's been happening for tens of thousands of years as mankind develops, and now we're just allowing people to be whatever they want to be without labelling or demanding they conform to specific ideas about what people should be like.
as long as the stewardess's are still hot all good. lol

Travelling end of the month so will see how air travel has gone post covid
Humble brag

No, they really do need to fix the food.

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