We got a price hold without to much fuss, happy days!
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We got a price hold without to much fuss, happy days!
I've not had any notification on a price rise
Same, I'm really hoping I get one so can jump ship.
However, this process is set to change by April of this year. New rules from Ofcom, the telecoms regulator, mean you'll only ever have to contact one provider (the one you plan to switch to), regardless of whether they use the same network or not. The process will also be faster, taking as little as a day, and providers will have to compensate you if something goes wrong and you're left without service for more than one working day.
We're changing our pricing terms
Currently, we usually change our prices each year, and will write to let you know how much any increase is and provide you with a right to cancel.
From April 2024, we are changing our approach so any price rise to your package is always made at the same time every year, and it’ll be linked to the Retail Price Index (RPI) rate of inflation plus an additional 3.9%, so the amount of any increase will be clearer, sooner. To do this, we need to change our terms and conditions. The key features of these new rules are:
The monthly subscription price for your services will increase every April starting from April 2024.
The amount the monthly price will increase will be RPI rate of inflation plus an additional 3.9%. This increase will apply to the monthly subscription price you're paying at the time and also (if applicable) to the monthly price payable after subsequent expiry of any applicable offer or discount.
The RPI rate will be the amount that is announced in the preceding February of that year, so you will be able to work out the exact increase from that date.
If the RPI is 0% or less, then your price will increase by 3.9%.
We will publish the relevant RPI rate on our website as soon as it becomes available.
As this annual price increase is provided for in your terms, there is no right to cancel given for this price increase from April 2024.
Why not just move to community fibre?
The likelyhood is that it's going to be a far superior connection at a lower price than VM, there really isn't any reason to stay.All depends on pricing. I will go to wherever I get it cheaper. I just looked and it seems community fibre prices are a lot more competitive then I thought.
In the leaflet that came through the door the prices were not as good.
Might just give them a go for a year to compare if prices are similar.
The likelyhood is that it's going to be a far superior connection at a lower price than VM, there really isn't any reason to stay.
Still waiting for my price increase email too. Emailed Aquiss to see if they could see the existing ONT equipment left by the previous occupant and they've said they can see it and would only take about 24 hours to switch it over to get me set up, so I really am just sat waiting for the VM email so I can jump ship.