Virgin Media Discussion Thread

Our 500mbs BB had gone to £78 a month so I cancelled it a week or so ago as they were not giving me good deals and I was out of contract too. Got my Mrs to sign up via Vouchercodes site where you get a £120 rainforest voucher and she signed up to the 1130mbps BB for £45 a month with first 3 months free for 18 months contract which then comes to about £30 a month so not bad
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My parents are getting wrecked, currently paying £97 a month for M125 broadband and a 11 year old crappy TIVO box, basically they've just lived with it forever - it can't even run the iPlayer app properly, it's so bad.

They've not been in contract since around 2013, when I login to their account the only upgrade option is to keep their current package - but reduce the price to £80 a month (lol)

What's the best way to proceed here? ring up threaten to cancel? Ideally we'd want the Gig1 broadband + a good TV package, there's one for £57 a month which looks good, but to get this - I assume we have to call them?
My parents are getting wrecked, currently paying £97 a month for M125 broadband and a 11 year old crappy TIVO box, basically they've just lived with it forever - it can't even run the iPlayer app properly, it's so bad.

They've not been in contract since around 2013, when I login to their account the only upgrade option is to keep their current package - but reduce the price to £80 a month (lol)

What's the best way to proceed here? ring up threaten to cancel? Ideally we'd want the Gig1 broadband + a good TV package, there's one for £57 a month which looks good, but to get this - I assume we have to call them?
Ring up and cancel, they will then phone back and offer you the better deals
Ring up and cancel, they will then phone back and offer you the better deals
This, I cancelled at the start of the week. I was on full TV package Inc sports, movies and 500mb service @96.55 pm

They rang me yesterday to ask why I was leaving, looking feedback etc and I told them I was fairly happy with the service but it was too expensive. She tapped a few keys and said she could drop it £5 pm and asked if I was happy with that, I said no and that I'd need to have the gigabit service and still be cheaper to be happy. She went off to talk to her manager and came back dropping £12 pm and upping the internet service to the gigabit offering. I was working away from home this week and just got back this morning and the gigabit is indeed activated so it is absolutely worth the annual saving to cancel then wait on the call.
For what it's worth, I cancelled on the chat app rather than over the phone.
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...She went off to talk to her manager and came back dropping £12 pm and upping the internet service to the gigabit offering...

They don't actually do this they have all the offers they can give right in front of them but they use this excuse to make it look like its from the manager so its like a final offer so you think you wont get anything better.

Do what I did. Cancelled and took a new contract out on the Mrs name as a new customer. We just needed broadband so got the 1Ghz for just over £30 a month
Just keep in mind they won't always offer you anything decent, and like me, they will literally tell you you can leave. The lowest they offered me once I'd filed the termination notice (also out of contract) was £43 for 1Gb, still too expensive. The line disconnects on the 1st December and to this day nobody else has phoned to offer anything better.

My neighbour also switched to a new fibre ISP today and spoke to him. he was also offered a crap deal (he was on 250Mb and was offered it for £15 a month) - So he too continued with the termination and now has 900Mb/900Mb fibre for £25.
Got a text from VM today offering a mystery deal for £17 if I chose to not follow through with the booked line disconnection. Went on live chat to find out.

£17 for 250Mb :cry:

If I wanted 1Gb then it would be £35.

Yeah no thanks.
Came across an old post on digitalspy which laid out some interesting details, I was on VM's 64k service when it first launched then quickly doubled to the 128k. Back then we had that blue NTL model, remember that? Was connected directly to one PC at the time shared with all the family, then the Linksys WRT54G came out and everything changed :D

2002: 128k, 512k and the 'top tier' 1Mb.

2004: 300K, 750K and the 'top tier' 1.5Mb.

2005: 1Mb, 2Mb and 'top tier' 3Mb

2006: 1Mb (with this soon to be bumped up to 2Mb, 'up to 4Mb' and 'top tier' 'up to 10 Mb'.

2008 (under Virgin Media): 2Mb, 'up to 4Mb' and 'top tier' 'up to 20 Mb'.

2010: 10Mb, 20Mb and 'top tier' 50Mb.

2012: 30Mb, 60Mb and 'top tier' 100Mb.

2014: "up to 50Mb", "Up to 100Mb" and "Up to 152Mb".

2016: "up to 50Mb", "Up to 100Mb" and "Up to 200Mb".

2018: 50Mb, 100Mb, 200Mb and 350Mb.

2020: 50Mb, 100Mb, 200Mb, 350Mb, 500Mb, 600Mb and 1Gb.

In 18 years:

A basic broadband speed of 128k (in 2002), to 50Mb (2020) a x391 increase in speed. Bottom tier speeds have not increased since 2014.

'Top tier' speeds of 1Mb (2002), to 1Gb (2020) - a x1000 increase in speed.

100Mb services were 'trialed' in 2006 - a speed that many still cannot achieve on BT hosted Broadband services in 2020!
Came across an old post on digitalspy which laid out some interesting details, I was on VM's 64k service when it first launched then quickly doubled to the 128k. Back then we had that blue NTL model, remember that? Was connected directly to one PC at the time shared with all the family, then the Linksys WRT54G came out and everything changed :D
Wow, feels like ages we have had 350mb and now recently 500mb, doesn’t time fly.

I remember the days of dial up, as slow as it was I kind of miss that feeling of the early days of the internet and the unknown of what it could bring.
Yeah, I remember getting this service and playing rainbow six through MSN Gaming zone!
56k pings of 250-300ms down to 50 seemed a night and day difference to lag and no dying before seeing your enemy.
I fired up CS2 last week and it's nowhere near as much fun as I remember it, especially compared to Warzone which I'd been playing since lockdown began. CS seems to stiff and getting killed by one hit wonders makes me think cheating is rife in there.
56k pings of 250-300ms down to 50 seemed a night and day difference to lag and no dying before seeing your enemy.
I fired up CS2 last week and it's nowhere near as much fun as I remember it, especially compared to Warzone which I'd been playing since lockdown began. CS seems to stiff and getting killed by one hit wonders makes me think cheating is rife in there.
I know what you mean, I've been playing CS2 recently after it came out but some shots do make you wonder.
CS2 is just CSGO revamped and renamed with a bunch of stuff removed, like literally that's what it is. Gone are the days of CS1.6 sadly

I remember the games we used to play where ping mattered, Unreal Tournament, Soldier of Fortune online, Red Faction, Quake, CS1.6. Mooching around with 20 ping was like sitting on a king's throne in them days :p

Now it doesn't matter if you have a ping of 3, some "gamer" will headshot you the very moment a pixel of your face pops around a corner...
CS2 is just CSGO revamped and renamed with a bunch of stuff removed, like literally that's what it is. Gone are the days of CS1.6 sadly

I remember the games we used to play where ping mattered, Unreal Tournament, Soldier of Fortune online, Red Faction, Quake, CS1.6. Mooching around with 20 ping was like sitting on a king's throne in them days :p

Now it doesn't matter if you have a ping of 3, some "gamer" will headshot you the very moment a pixel of your face pops around a corner...
Freakishly accurate I would say.
Any advice on how to move my installation along from people who might have faced the same issue? Virgin cable is laid along my street but my house was built after so there’s no access point. Virgin have sent multiple technicians to my house over the last 5 months. Each time they’ve been expecting to do a cable pull but there is no access point. They report this back to their HQ and tell me someone will come along to do the construction work. A few weeks later another guy shows up to do a cable pull. The last contractor I spoke to said it’s quite common - out of 8 jobs he’s had the previous day, 6 were not possible for various reasons.

I’ve called the virgin call centres a bunch of times but the people there are completely clueless and just tell me I have to wait for the technician. Rinse and repeat. I even emailed the CEO but haven’t heard back.

I’m really pulling my hair out and no idea how to break this cycle! Any advice much appreciated!
Thought I’d post an update on this in case of use to anyone. Eventually I gave up chasing on this. Every so often VM would email or call to say my installation date had been delayed again. Finally, last week the construction works outside my house (digging a 3m trench in the pavement) were completed. To be honest, I’d forgotten I’d even ordered the installation. It took 13 months - I placed the order in October 2022. I have since got CityFibre so will be cancelling but at least I can now get VM in the future if I want to!
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