Virgin Media Discussion Thread

LOL they call it "Fibre Optic Broadband", what a joke. I can't believe they can get away with that, it is a fibre-coaxial network :S

These look to be general network problems, or just certain areas?

From what I've been reading they are having problems in lots of areas.

Mainly due to the fact that their current network infrastructure can't cope with the current upstream demand at peak times.

For example I'm in the TFA vent at the moment, I can hear everyone fine but if I talk it either doesn't reach everyone or they get it 5 mins after I've said it.

Packet loss and latency make the internet pretty much un-usable at peak times now (For me, it's only just gotten really bad - before it was poor but it worked)
Hey all,

The BT line here is getting worse, I am seriously considering moving to Virgin.

Can i ask, what router are they giving out with the 50mb service?
Ah nice one cheers, i did have a quick scan. Must have missed it.

So this is good or are there better routers that one should consider?
Ah nice one cheers, i did have a quick scan. Must have missed it.

So this is good or are there better routers that one should consider?

It's the base (lowest) model in the range, but that said it's still a nice little router. I find it chokes and dies every couple of days and needs a quick reboot, but that said my LAN consists of five computers and a lot of downloading from various sources to each of them, so that's forgiveable.

If you want a really tasty router, look for the Netgear WNR3500L. I'll be grabbing one once it's available. You can put Tomato, DD-WRT or other open source firmware on there and by all accounts it's a monster. :)
Thanks for the info, that NG does indeed look nice, and i've always been a fan of them, Am using a DG834GT at the mo.

Well i'm going to order very soon i think.

Out of interest, what router do the give you on the 20mb service?
Out of interest, what router do the give you on the 20mb service?

They provide the same router free on all their packages, the only difference is you also get the DIR-140 wireless N USB dongle free if you go 50 meg. More details here.

I'd go 50 meg anyway if I was you (actually, I DID go 50 meg lol). It's on a different network/platform to the 20 and 10 meg packages, and nowhere near as prone to issues like congestion and peak-time problems. 50 meg also has no STM (throttling/traffic management) and I get 6MB/sec all day every day on mine.
I've had the virgin 50mb service since it came out in my area. At first it was great! really smooth internet and pings nice and low. These days though i find my pings are all over the place, one day i get nice and low pings other days its more than double what i usually get.
The connection can drop aswell at times then just bounce right back.

Call to virgin and they send out an engineer who checks the line and my equipment and says its all fine.

I've given up calling them when it happens now although i cant say i'm entirely happy with the service because of these seemingly random connection issues.
Yep, oversubscription in Bristol is rife. I've been moaning about it since november, it's still not right, though this week the packet loss has got better (was 95% at times), now only up to 20% at peak times.

I never had this problem in the slightese until about 2 weeks ago, now I'm seeing 20% packetloss pretty much all the time. It's causing me a few issues in game, and Teamspeak is breaking up all over the place.
They guy has just been and gone, Downloading now at 5.3MB/sec, I suppose it's a little better than the 2.1MB/sec I was on with the 20Mb connection lol :)



for some reason when i do ping test packet loss bit says "unable to test packet loss"

any thing specific you did? are you behind a router?



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My 12 month package comes to end next month, and I'd love to push to get 50Mb along with my XL TV.

Anyone got a good deal I could push for? :D
Asked for the 50mb to be added to my package. They want an additional £38 per month. I'm already with them on phone and 10mb broadband - where do they get their prices from? Its £38 if I don't have a phone line and £28 if I have an exisiting deal right?

Probably not the right place, but anyone got any advice to get to speak to someone decent... People I've spoken to just say extra £38 a month, if I say its too much (or why) they say basically thats the price, do you want to upgrade or not? Im like :o.

Any ideas?

sorry if this is at all of topic

Got basic tv, unlimited phone and 10mb broadband. (even for 20mb they wanted an additional £20!?!)
Select the option to cancel your service, and speak with retentions. Are you out of contract atm? Either way explain that you're looking at the nice fast speeds ADSL2+ offers, especially now that Be* do line bonding... BUT you've decided that VM's 50 meg seems much more suited, but for some reason the price you're being quoted doesn't tally with those on their website...

You should get the proper price on your upgrade no trouble. Good luck. :)
don't get virgin media, i am on the 50mbit virgin and it has just got worse and worse and worse, what a nightmare.

i take it all back. i wish i had paid the £120 and stayed with socialist BT at this rate. so last week i last internet for 4 days and then it suddenly started working again. the day before the engineer was supposed to arrive. so i cancelled. they wanted to charge me £10 for the cancellation. now a week later my upload stops working and my internet is pretty much useless.

so i phone up virgin media and i get transfered 4 times and finally get through to 50mbit virgin tech support. they tell me that they don't support upload. LOL

i said what do you mean you don't support upload. that is a part of the connection, actually that is half the connection. with no upload you can't do anything.

now this is not traffic management cause i have only downloaded a few gb this part few weeks and not uploaded that much as i have been busy and it was not working.

so then he tells me that they don't support upload and they hang up on me.

what the hell kind of service is that. they have broken the contract, i should stop the DD and tell them to collect their equipment.

here is me uploading the ati drivers to a 100mbit box in france that i host my website on:

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Where in London are you? Your crap line is probably because I'm rinsing it out on my perfect speeds. Oh well.
Tweaker thats exactly what mine is like! I called virgin just this week in regards to this issue and i was met by the "we've pinged your line and all seems fine" script the staff read from.
I told them if its like this by next week expect another phonecall and this time i expect it to be sorted out and not be given the brush off.
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