Virgin Media Discussion Thread


I do not really care about watching others game or them watching me game.

Ever crossed your mind someone who uses Netflix and plays COD may think Twitch streaming is sad?

P.S I do none of the above. ;)
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Glad to see the traffic shaping stuff has been knocked on the head. Got an email saying my 120Mb will be increased to 150Mb for free in around August. (Maybe for my birthday :3)

My router has been playing up though, dropping speeds to <10Mb until i restart the bloody thing. Going to try and swindle another free one, the wifi is still filth on it. Might Just slip it into modem mode and get myself a nice gigabit one.
I had the Superhub 1 replaced with a 2 when going from 60Mb to 120.

Its been fine (ethernet wise) until about a week or so ago. The Wifi has always dropped out for 5 seconds every minute or so. Doesn't matter too much as i have another WAP, but if it does connect to the virgin one (i have it extended) it bombs out on me.
I tested the SH2 for VM and WIFI was far better than SH1, good you got given one as a SH1 is good for 152Mb/s and more but WIFI is poor.

IMO you should post on their forums, you may need a new SH2, some have had bad units AFAIK.
I do not really care about watching others game or them watching me game.

Ever crossed your mind someone who uses Netflix and plays COD may think Twitch streaming is sad?

P.S I do none of the above. ;)

Thats the point I was trying to make. Virgin Media is the ISP for you ;)

Heavier, more advanced users, require more from their ISP, which is why Virgin isn't the best option. Services like BT Infinity, and PLusnet, are more catered towards people who make more use of their upload and download
I was going to give them a quick live chat. Usually they try to charge a £15 call out fee, just going to buy a cable router if they wont give me a free one.
Thats the point I was trying to make. Virgin Media is the ISP for you ;)

Heavier, more advanced users, require more from their ISP, which is why Virgin isn't the best option. Services like BT Infinity, and PLusnet, are more catered towards people who make more use of their upload and download

VM made it the weird 152Mb/s speed to be 2x as fast as BT so keep Infinity.

Not great when it was supposed to be 200Mb/s in time for the Olympics and 100Mb/s users got a kick to the nuts and crappy 20Mb/ upgrade added when other got doubled and 20Mb/s users got Tripled to 60Mb/s.

So I am not a VM Fanboy by any means, will slate them when they need it.

Sounds like you need to move to Bournemouth to feed your habit and get Gigler installed. ;)

LOL @ more advanced, warez monkeys with fancy Tag.
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I was going to give them a quick live chat. Usually they try to charge a £15 call out fee, just going to buy a cable router if they wont give me a free one.

Always call retentions with the option to leave, tell them speed it up and down, WIFI dropping/poor etc.

You will get a free new SH2 and a engineer out if needed be and it cannot be charged for if its not working 100%.
So to be clear the upload is still staying at ~12Mb? Like many folk I need the better upload speed. I even called up their business section to see what the fastest upload is they can do and was told it was 5Mb!

Your ping seems a bit high as well, is this just a one off or is it normally like that and how far was the server you were testing, I presume you're not in Paris?
I said earlier upload is to remain 12Mb/s for time being but the upload Config was raised from 11.4Mb/s to 11.7Mb/s to now 12Mb/s.

Ping is higher on Cable over ADSL and not sure if it was the server this time making it higher and the above screen shows distance. ;)

See you ninja edited, no I tested from Glasgow to Paris and if I was in France would I be on VM. ;)
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I said earlier upload is to remain 12Mb/s for time being but the upload Config was raised from 11.4Mb/s to 11.7Mb/s to now 12Mb/s.

Ping is higher on Cable over ADSL and not sure if it was the server this time making it higher and the above screen shows distance. ;)

See you ninja edited, no I tested from Glasgow to Paris and if I was in France would I be on VM. ;)
It should have been 12 to start off, no idea why it was at 11.4. You could have been in Paris for a romantic weekend and remoted in to your home PC and decided to test the speed to your location... ;) Maybe not
Try another server and not all UK Test servers can even do 100Mb/s, some far lower.

Try Preston or London or Paris or Amsterdam.
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