Quite clearly the woman doesn't know what she's talking about!
Fastest download speed yet last night, 19.1MB/s on usenet.
I said I was willing to pay the 7.50 extra, that's not a problem, but she was looking for small print to tell me it impossible and admitted she couldn't find anything but I still could not get it
If they are not providing what they sold you then you are well within your rights to cancel. The 7 day cooling off period is a load of tosh.
I phoned up on the weekend asking to be moved from the 60meg to 152 meg and was told that it was not possible yet, although on their website the postcode checker says I can get it. the woman on the phone was adamant I could not get it, should I try again today?
You change side mort hen the eye-ties lol.
How many times have you left and came back as you are that telfordcable guy from about 3-4 forums correct?
How many times have you left and came back as you are that telfordcable guy from about 3-4 forums correct?