Virgin Media Discussion Thread

He'll be back as soon as the next speed increase is announced.

No, I won't be. Cos I was thinking of 2 x FTTC in a load balancer :D

2 x 72/17 would get me 144/34

I am so shocked as my back garden cable was sharing with other neighbour as they try to stealing my connection. First time I notice it today. I haven't been to back garden for months. Report to virgin media now.
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That though not ideal is common, VM split a homes existing cable to next door.

Your neighbour did not steal it himself, be pointless he would not get online even he bought a modem/hub from the Bay.
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I will be on ( so virgin media tell me ) 100Mbps as from today at some point after they come and put in a TiVo Box ( in about 30 minutes ) as part of the offer they made me on Friday

I have my fingers crossed :)
wifi connection.. 16mb down 10 up..
powerline.. 35-50 down 11up
mobile wifi 30-100 down 11up
ethernet bellow -;

sucks that I have no tidy way getting the cable over to my room from downstairs..
sucks that I have no tidy way getting the cable over to my room from downstairs..

If it's your own place then run the cable inside the cavity. Dead easy to do.

Well after all my moaning I'm staying with VM for another 12 months.
I got the XXL Unlimited Extra phone and 154Mb and standard TV for £38 a month.
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wifi connection.. 16mb down 10 up..
powerline.. 35-50 down 11up
mobile wifi 30-100 down 11up
ethernet bellow -;

sucks that I have no tidy way getting the cable over to my room from downstairs..

What are you using for Wifi? I have no problem maxing out my 100Mb connection on my Nexus 5 using an Asus n56U
Connected to 5GHz or 2.4GHz? 5GHz should get you max speed even on a Super Hub 2.

tried both, 5ghz is faster but signal is weaker and it somehow manages to drop from 3 bars to losing connection ?! 2g is more stable(oddly) but maxes out at 50mb :o I'll have to thing of something.. powerline didn't work due to rubbish powerline in the house! seems to max out my connection tho so I'm happy with it just need to figure how to get the cable over to my room without making a mess out of downstairs haha.
tried both, 5ghz is faster but signal is weaker and it somehow manages to drop from 3 bars to losing connection ?! 2g is more stable(oddly) but maxes out at 50mb :o I'll have to thing of something.. powerline didn't work due to rubbish powerline in the house! seems to max out my connection tho so I'm happy with it just need to figure how to get the cable over to my room without making a mess out of downstairs haha.

That's how it works. 5ghz is faster but has less range. 2.4 is slower but has more range.
That's how it works. 5ghz is faster but has less range. 2.4 is slower but has more range.

wish 5GHz has fastest with long range (would be nice) but most laptop, pc, mobile isn't support 5GHz wifi that's a big problem. But, my mobile phone does support 5GHz and only getting 39Meg out of 152Meg on my virgin media last week.
Thought i would do a speed test after a fresh restart of the router on my new 152Mb...

Wifi was done on my SGS3 Standing about 1m away from the router.

5GHz Wifi



2.4GHz Wifi


Gigabit Ethernet

I think its time for a call.

Since being "upgraded" to 152, its dropped from a seemingly constant 120Mb down to that? I have a new router on the way, going to install dd-wrt on it, because the virgin one has never worked. only enabled 5GHz recently to retry it since it has never worked well in the past. Thanks to prime its coming saturday. Still, think a phone call may still need to be done, not sure if this is solely the router.
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Setup a Thinkbroadband monitor if you haven't already. I wouldn't really take much notice of mobile Speedtest apps. My iPhone 5 can't reach 100Mb standing beside the router yet the laptop can fine.
Is this on the Superhub 2?


Setup a Thinkbroadband monitor if you haven't already. I wouldn't really take much notice of mobile Speedtest apps. My iPhone 5 can't reach 100Mb standing beside the router yet the laptop can fine.

Ok will do, did a thinkbroadband speedtest and it came back with 22Mbs, creating a monitor now.


My Tbb monitor result for a 1GB download.

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Posted a couple of times in here recently about the dismal performance our 60Mb package is giving us; we can't watch any forms of sport/streaming now and download speeds are extremely erratic and often very slow! Someone on the Virgin support forum has just got back to me:

The area has low traffic levels and is error free however your individual line is showing low downstream SNR, high upstream power levels with frequent power adjustments.

Any reasons for causing this? In fact, what does this even mean? The only thing that *may* have coincided with the timeline is my crypto mining but surely an internet connection can handle a low bandwidth task like that 24/7?
Anyone else have issues with TwitchTV here?

60mb connection can't handle Twitch, could be on their end.. But I somehow doubt that, when connected to a VPN Twitch seems to be fine.

Throttling in action for streaming?
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