Virgin Media Discussion Thread

I've had on and off issues for the last 3 weeks where my upload speed was a fraction of what it should be, usually I'm hitting 126mb down and 11.6 up but i was getting about 0.30 up but 126 down as usual.

Virgin media tried to tell me it was my PC which is a bit of a joke. Tonight I'm hitting 126mb up and 11.6 down as usual with 8ms ping but its taking 5+ mins to open a single webpage
Tonight I'm hitting 126mb up and 11.6 down as usual with 8ms ping but its taking 5+ mins to open a single webpage

I'm having the exact same problem in Nottingham tonight, in fact some pages are just flat out not opening.
People on Virgin forums in Bristol complaining of the same issues too it seems. I always seem to get the idea virgin are flogging their network as hard as they can and its reaching breaking point
Same here, web pages were taking ages to open, but seems resolved now. When I got the problem, I put google public DNS numbers into my router, I don't know if that was what fixed it. Virgin had DNS problems last week I think it was, maybe they are having them again.
I just got a new SH2 today, and I was blaming that !!!

I've had the SH2 for ages now, I'm getting the web page issues too but it seems to be related to the speed increase than anything else.

Exactly the same thing happened for months after they did the previous increase too.
I've never had it before, hopefully it isn't a result of the speed increase I just got yesterday. Hopefully it was just one of those glitches which can happen from time to time.
Seems to be patchy DNS issues. Just change to Google DNS (

I did the free speed upgrade on the myvirginmedia bit last night :)

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Having a real fight with virgin atm. Our connection on the account shows as 120mb, but when you check the superhub settings its Downstream Max Traffic Rate and Upstream Max Traffic Rate are set to 100mb connection speeds.
After an hour and a half jumping through hoops with their broadband team, being told by customer services that our account shows 120mb, they come back to us and tell us that our connection is set to 100mb because of discount applied to our account?!
Anyone have any ideas what the best course of action for this problem would be?
I work from home so downtime in between isn't an option, the only other provider is more expensive for less speed.

Virgin do a cheap business style cable broadband at 50mb, it's got higher prioritization and a mini SLA if I remember correctly.

might be worth having a look at
Im new to this Virgin Media, got a couple Q's if anyone can help :)

* Is Virgin Media fibre optic into your house or is it just copper wire?
* If you buy the 100mb plan as an example, do you get 100mb or is it like ADSL where your actual speed will be less?
* Is there any big 'cons' or negatives to Virgin Media BB that I should know about?

Thank you! :)
VM is fibre to a cabinet or node and then coaxial cable to your house.

VM will almost always achieve the advertised speed (congestion can affect this though)

Over utilisation in your area may or may not be an issue. It causes slow-downs, packet loss and drop outs when the area is over-subscribed and everyone is using it at the same time. This is being improved upon though and may not even be an issue anyway. Best way to check is to search for your postcode area on the VM community forums.
I've had VM at my current address for 5+ years, and for a further 4 years at a previous address. I've always got the advertised speed or very very close. As above, if you are unlucky you could be in a congested area, and then the situation could be different.
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