Virgin Media Discussion Thread

Yeah well I'm using Killer Xeno network card, the cable seems fine just the connector clip is broken other than that its all good.

Ok now I'm connected straight to SH2 with 152mbps that's been installed today but I'm still getting around the same speed of 85-90mbps, its weird. Though the SH2 is downstairs so I'm like running a long cable, could that be the problem?

Long cable shouldn't be a problem if it isn't damaged anywhere. I'm running a couple of 25m Cat 5e and get gigabit no problem, you could easily go further than that though.

Go to your Network Connection's properties and check if it's connected at 100Mb or 1Gbps.

Or check the lights on the ethernet port on the superhub... Orange = 10/100Mb, Green = 1Gb.
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Anybody here solve the issue with Cisco VPN not working with the Superhub?

I've tried enabling all the passthrough options and set Firewall to Low but to no avail.

The Cisco VPN client connects, but unable to actually reach network shares or anything.
upgraded from 60 to 100mbit + Superhub 2

Woot peak time and im already throttled down to 30mbit and 1.5mbit upload...

ive not even used it today except 1h on skype.

Utterly gash. I forgot how crap UK ISPs can be.

30ms ping and 25ms jitter. Not even gonna try and game. utter fail Upload
We pay for 100MB, XL TV and weekend calls.

Due to high utilisation in the area we get 2mb after 17:00, sometimes we may get up to 10mb during the day. We have to ring up every month for credits to be applied for the lack of broadband.

Getting fed up with these ****ing idiots.
We pay for 100MB, XL TV and weekend calls.

Due to high utilisation in the area we get 2mb after 17:00, sometimes we may get up to 10mb during the day. We have to ring up every month for credits to be applied for the lack of broadband.

Getting fed up with these ****ing idiots.

If you have to ring up every month.. leave them?

You're using a service that infuriates you so why should they bother to fix it if people will continue to use their service regardless of the state of it?
upgraded from 60 to 100mbit + Superhub 2

Woot peak time and im already throttled down to 30mbit and 1.5mbit upload...

ive not even used it today except 1h on skype.

Utterly gash. I forgot how crap UK ISPs can be.

30ms ping and 25ms jitter. Not even gonna try and game. utter fail Upload

Sounds like congestion in your area rather than throttling. You should report it (if they haven't already got a fault open) and get them to refund you every month until they have it fixed. Nowadays, companies only take notice if they are getting punished in their bottom line.
Sounds like congestion in your area rather than throttling. You should report it (if they haven't already got a fault open) and get them to refund you every month until they have it fixed. Nowadays, companies only take notice if they are getting punished in their bottom line.

I've been through that **** three times over 10 years. im well aware how it works.

This area only got uplifted to 60mbit a year ago after the switch to only docis 3
So if you can't stand VM so much, why are you still with them?

although its obvious ill dignify an answer

FTTC isn't available at this address - still - after 5 years of the exchange being updated.

ADSL 2+ the attenuation is about 47dB which on a good day is realistically about 12mbit

You can choose BT Broadband now offering: 4.5Mb *
Estimated download
speed 3.5Mb-8Mb
Estimated download
speed range

I don't want SKY tv and a dish on the wall. (that may change if FTTC was available)

All costs factored in VM do a good bundle price for TV phone Mobile BB.
If i was still bothered about gaming i would get a Basic ADSL line and use that. It still offers the best connection to my property for that use.

I can add a few more points but got things to do now sorry :(
A little first world problem moaning now and then is good.
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I'm looking at getting VM installed and have been told that the contention is 20:1, at the moment on Sky for everything after taking the o2 deal. Is the contention ratio VM tell you reliable?
go on the VM forums and search you postcode for a rough idea of problems the area has had in the past.

Not everyone has issues.
Upgraded to 152Mb today from 100Mb. They did install a new SH2 and took the SH1 away. I put it into modem mode straight away, and will run it for a week or so through my DIR-615 as I have been for the last couple of years. Once I know the faster connection and SH2 are reliable, I'll try removing the DIR-615 and try out the SH2 as a proper router and providing the wireless network as well.
Upgraded to 152Mb today from 100Mb. They did install a new SH2 and took the SH1 away. I put it into modem mode straight away, and will run it for a week or so through my DIR-615 as I have been for the last couple of years. Once I know the faster connection and SH2 are reliable, I'll try removing the DIR-615 and try out the SH2 as a proper router and providing the wireless network as well.

The SH2 is actually really good.

My Nexus 5 connected too the SH2, I'm on 100meg.
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If you have to ring up every month.. leave them?

You're using a service that infuriates you so why should they bother to fix it if people will continue to use their service regardless of the state of it?

I work from home so downtime in between isn't an option, the only other provider is more expensive for less speed.
The SH2 is actually really good.

Does it allow you to do things like set your own DNS, log traffic properly, etc. All the stuff that they considered "too advanced" for their customers (or more likely their support staff). That (and many other reasons, like a lack of simultaneous dual-band) was why my SH1 got set to modem mode immediately.
Yeah not allowing a different DNS address is annoying. Having problems with the VM DNS just now and having to manually set another on each PC.
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