Virgin Media Discussion Thread

Having a real fight with virgin atm. Our connection on the account shows as 120mb, but when you check the superhub settings its Downstream Max Traffic Rate and Upstream Max Traffic Rate are set to 100mb connection speeds.
After an hour and a half jumping through hoops with their broadband team, being told by customer services that our account shows 120mb, they come back to us and tell us that our connection is set to 100mb because of discount applied to our account?!
Anyone have any ideas what the best course of action for this problem would be?

All sorted now. After that 2 hour conversation with them yesterday, today I thought i'd try the web chat. Best decision ever! Explained the problem, told him where I found the status and what settings i had problems with. 10 minutes later 126mb down and 11.5 up
I've had VM at my current address for 5+ years, and for a further 4 years at a previous address. I've always got the advertised speed or very very close. As above, if you are unlucky you could be in a congested area, and then the situation could be different.

Indeed. The area you are in plays a massive role in the quality of the connection you'll receive.

I've been a cable customer solidly for 15 years now. 7 years in Birmingham (Telewest area), 2 years in Plymouth (Telewest area) and just coming up to 6 years in Cambridge (NTL area). Birmingham was almost problem free for the whole time, Plymouth was average with the odd issue, yet Cambridge barely has a moment where there isn't an issue. In the past 6 years I've had faults attached to my account for around 4 of those, We've had 20-25 engineer visits and I'm on at least my 7th or 8th Modem now. My latest issue which I reported in Dec 2013 only has an estimated fix date of Dec 2014, which is likely to get delayed as re-segs almost always are.

When the service works and you are in a good area it's unbeatable, but if you have an area with congestion issues you can expect frequent problems and long lead times on upgrades and fixes.
Well, Internet has been down all day and they can't fix it so someone is coming first thing Monday morning to look. But it be working again before he comes.

Good thing though I saw that I could switch from 60mb to 100mb for free now.
I've got used to an outage about once a year, last time it was some sort of fault due to vandalism I think, and it took over a day to get sorted. It was massively annoying at the time, but when I calmed down I realised it wasn't so bad. A reliable service for 363 or 364 days out of 365 is very acceptable for a low cost domestic service.
Internet came back a hour or so ago other then that it's been down all day.

Really annoying how can it stop working one moment then start working the next moment, what's going on there.

Hopeful they won't cancel the guy coming on Monday, I want someone to look at my equipment and the box down the end of the street to see if everything is working as it should.
Annoyingly Virgin is still not available on my estate. I emailed them a while back and was basically told there weren't enough people living here to warrant the cost of installing the cable. I'm not sure why it would cost all that much because the adjacent road, 50m away has cable laid throughout.
Annoyingly Virgin is still not available on my estate. I emailed them a while back and was basically told there weren't enough people living here to warrant the cost of installing the cable. I'm not sure why it would cost all that much because the adjacent road, 50m away has cable laid throughout.

Weird, I thought all new building estates had fiber installed in all roads by BT which then allow other ISP's to rent their cable etc.
Annoyingly Virgin is still not available on my estate. I emailed them a while back and was basically told there weren't enough people living here to warrant the cost of installing the cable. I'm not sure why it would cost all that much because the adjacent road, 50m away has cable laid throughout.

The adjacent road doesnt matter. That adjacent road is being served with a limited bandwidth only enough for that road (this is why over-subscription is commonly imminent with Virgin Media). They would have to increase overall capacity further down the line at least to the nearest node.
I've been having massive problems since I got back off my holiday. I've never had a problem with them before and I've been with them for years. For the last few days though my 120meg line is struggling to hit 2meg and web pages are taking ages to load!
No problem here at all tonight, but I use Google DNS servers. An advantage of having a separate router where I can key those in. Not possible with Superhub 2 I don't think.
No problem here at all tonight, but I use Google DNS servers. An advantage of having a separate router where I can key those in. Not possible with Superhub 2 I don't think.

Yeah, I switched to Google DNS and my slow pages were fixed straight away.
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