Looks like my upgrade to 50mb has gone through, just tested at 54mb down.
I still think I'm paying too much though: weekend calls, line rental and 50mb broadband for £36 a month??
Yeh, should be cheaper. How long have you been with them?
Looks like my upgrade to 50mb has gone through, just tested at 54mb down.
I still think I'm paying too much though: weekend calls, line rental and 50mb broadband for £36 a month??
This is what I don't get (as an electronics layman). How can a signal be too strong.
This is what I don't get (as an electronics layman). How can a signal be too strong.
Connection was down all of yesterday. Seems to be working now, although there are still 4 faults reported in the service status page. Heat/storm related?
Are virgin media allowed to hold your telephone number to ransom?
I was told I lose my telephone number if I go to BT/etc.
Seems strange as my number was with BT for almost 25 years before I joined Virgin Media.
My connection had been down for 2 days, spoke to VM yesterday, they claim there is an issue in the area, but have no idea when it'll be resolved. Engineer booked for Friday, though oddly the guy on the phone said this will probably be canceled.
I suspected that, though it's shocking if it's an area outage, it's still not resolved 3 days later. This is my longest outage in over a decade.If your issue falls under the umbrella of an area 'outage' that subsequently gets resolved before the engineer visit that visit will generally be cancelled off saving an engineer going out and saving you waiting in as the problem has already been resolved.
I have had 2 NSR issues within 6 weeks of each other. I had no internet for a week each time and was told their SLA is 10 days. Again they class it as an area issue but won't say what is the definition of an area and how big it is. I am now on my 5th fault within a year and am tempted to make it my mission to let as many people know as I can. Perhaps when they start losing sales or potential customers they will get their act together.
Well, now, Imgur is down for me on Virgin. Is it global or just Richard's network?
Meh, it just came back up!