First Time Last Time Priority Error Number Description
21/10/2015 18:13:32 GMT 21/10/2015 18:13:32 GMT Error (4) 68000407 TOD established
Time Not Established Time Not Established Notice (6) 84000510 Downstream Locked Successfully
20/10/2015 20:28:48 GMT 20/10/2015 20:28:48 GMT Error (4) 68000407 TOD established
Time Not Established Time Not Established Notice (6) 84000510 Downstream Locked Successfully
19/10/2015 11:33:09 GMT 19/10/2015 11:33:09 GMT Critical (3) 82000200 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
19/10/2015 11:03:45 GMT 19/10/2015 11:03:45 GMT Error (4) 68000407 TOD established
Time Not Established Time Not Established Notice (6) 84000510 Downstream Locked Successfully
18/10/2015 18:44:33 GMT 18/10/2015 18:44:33 GMT Error (4) 68000407 TOD established
Time Not Established Time Not Established Notice (6) 84000510 Downstream Locked Successfully
18/10/2015 18:43:03 GMT 18/10/2015 18:43:03 GMT Critical (3) 82000400 Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out
18/10/2015 18:42:43 GMT 18/10/2015 18:42:43 GMT Critical (3) 82000400 Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out
18/10/2015 18:42:12 GMT 18/10/2015 18:42:12 GMT Error (4) 83000302 Service Delete rejected - Service flow not found
18/10/2015 16:18:26 GMT 18/10/2015 16:18:26 GMT Error (4) 68000407 TOD established
Time Not Established Time Not Established Notice (6) 84000510 Downstream Locked Successfully
18/10/2015 10:58:18 GMT 18/10/2015 10:58:18 GMT Error (4) 68000407 TOD established
Time Not Established Time Not Established Notice (6) 84000510 Downstream Locked Successfully
18/10/2015 10:18:33 GMT 18/10/2015 10:18:33 GMT Error (4) 68000407 TOD established
Time Not Established Time Not Established Notice (6) 84000510 Downstream Locked Successfully
15/10/2015 20:13:05 GMT 15/10/2015 20:13:05 GMT Error (4) 68000407 TOD established
Time Not Established Time Not Established Notice (6) 84000510 Downstream Locked Successfully
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