Anyone else getting connection drop outs every 5-10mins?
Everything fine here.
Anyone else getting connection drop outs every 5-10mins?
Lost my broadband connection a day or so ago here in Reading, still not upI genuinely regret moving to VM from Sky, the reliability is appalling.
Do Virgin Media do deals for new home builds with first time customers?
Me and my girlfriend have just bought a new build house and we're due to move in next month. Getting Virgin's on the list, just want to know if we should expect the ability to get any special deals?
I really like the look of that Virgin telly tablet too, but I'm not interested in getting a Samsung phone.
Only the deals they offer new customers, have you checked to see if Virgin have actually laid cable if it's a new build estate? It took them 10 years to finally come and lay the cabling needed on ours.
If it's on hub 3, then it's not Windows 10 that's the cause, but we all know this anyway. VM are just not having it. Phone up, demand compensation as you're not getting the service being paid for.
If you are out of your minimum contract period then call retentions. They will want to pass you to the technical team first if your connection hasn't already been looked at by them.
After the technical teams have had a chance to improve your service tell you are still no satisfied and don't feel what you are paying is worth the service. They should give you a discount for the next 12 months.
If they don't offer a discount and cancel your contract you still have a month to change your mind if you don't find anything better.