Virgin Media Discussion Thread

That's it. I've had 50Mb for 2 days and its an absolute pile of ****. They can shove the contract up Richard Branson himself. I'm sick of them. 6 weeks I've been lied to countless times. This far, no further, it ends today, right this ****ing second. I swear to god if I don't get access to proper internet I'm gonna top myself.

*deep breath*

What a ****ing heartache.
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My 50 mb :D


And I love my results from the dublin server:


A touch slower on the Milton Keynes server:


Sorry mate, I just couldn't help myself
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Just got off the phone to another clueless indian. She said it'll be fixed on the 23rd.

I asked her about all the other dozen or so dates they'd randomly pulled out of their arses over the past 6 weeks, and she was speechless. She knew VM was full of BS and she knew that I knew as well. She then abruptly informed me that she'd credited my account with £20. Way to bribe me. I then re-asked my question about the lying. She said, "I'm not lying, but it's up to the technicians if they manage to finish the work on time, there's nothing I can do."
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Try ringing during 9-5, I have always fond I speak to someone in the uk. Also, write to the complaints department at their Matrix Court site in Swansea. They can be very helpful and have the ability to get things done for you (well, quicker than cs at any rate).
heres mine and its never changed unless i have a ****ty av installed that buffers a lot then it goes to like 400meg or something silly.

Just got off the phone to another clueless indian. She said it'll be fixed on the 23rd.

I asked her about all the other dozen or so dates they'd randomly pulled out of their arses over the past 6 weeks, and she was speechless. She knew VM was full of BS and she knew that I knew as well. She then abruptly informed me that she'd credited my account with £20. Way to bribe me. I then re-asked my question about the lying. She said, "I'm not lying, but it's up to the technicians if they manage to finish the work on time, there's nothing I can do."

Are running windows 7? as sometimes I get slow pings using IE8-9.
If I use CMD then ping I get 12ms. Also if VM book a day and they don't turn up they will give you £10 each time.
Vm have gone so far downhill in the past year.


There are lots of unhappy people on various forums complaining about the new traffic shaping being applied to VM 50mb users. What I'm struggling to understand is how can they do this so blatantly? The old traffic management for 10mb and 20mb users was only applied when you hit a certain amount of data downloaded which whilst a pia was fair as it hit only the high downloaders, this new policy being applied hits everyone straight away at exactly the times when you want to use the internet (4pm - 12pm weekdays, 12 noon - 12 midnight weekends), which is exactly when your at home and want to use the internet.

I'm still trying to decide what to do over this, given I only download a small amount of data I guess I either dump VM (I was given an option by the CEO's office to cancel early if the added traffic management to their 50mb) and move to ADSL or downgrade to 10mb, either way there is no point in paying for 50mb now.

What are other peoples thoughts on this?
VM have lost a customer - When we move in feb I will be going with ADSL for our new house.

I am not having them tell me what I am allowed to download.
I share my connection with 5 other heavy users (computing students) and we've not had a problem this year.



I'll try this again tomorrow daytime, but I'm fairly certain I get the same results.
What are other peoples thoughts on this?

They're traffic shaping because they're bringing out the 100Mb service. Their infrastructure cannot handle 100Mb/s at the moment, but instead of investing in the infrastructure, they're pocketing the cash and traffic shaping everyone to help ease the pressure on their backbone.

The reason they're so hastily bringing out 100Mb/s is because the competition is catching up with them. If that happens, they will not be "the fastest broadband in the land" any more.

It's all about profits, marketing and crooked businessmen. Virgin is a conglomerate, they have bought control of the UK's CATV infrastructure and are using it to maximise their profits. It's not about the customer service anymore. Which is why I'm moving back to BE.
I share my connection with 5 other heavy users (computing students) and we've not had a problem this year.

I'll try this again tomorrow daytime, but I'm fairly certain I get the same results.

If you're referring to traffic shaping, it will not affect your speedtest. :)

They only target specific things like Steam, NNTP, etc... I highly doubt they would traffic shape speedtest sites.
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If you're referring to traffic shaping, it will not affect your speedtest. :)

It only affects specific things like Steam, NNTP, etc... I highly doubt they would traffic shape speedtest sites.

I'll try some actual downloads then, but the other night rapidshare was maxing it out :)
I share my connection with 5 other heavy users (computing students) and we've not had a problem this year.



I'll try this again tomorrow daytime, but I'm fairly certain I get the same results.

You will see the same results, its on certain types of traffic they are hitting namely p2p and newsgroups, speedtest for me still shows 50mb but real world newsgroup downloads are more like that of a 5mb connection.

I've read comments about rapidshare and the like also being throttled but I haven't tried this myself.

I was hoping to get fibrecity installed and running by now but that looks like its dead on its arse, my local ADSL exchange is miles away so VM seems the only option for me, I guess now the question is how little can I pay!
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I don't think the traffic shaping has been fully rolled out yet. So some people may be perfectly fine for now.

They have introduced it over here though, and the effects are highly annoying I can assure you :(.
From what I've read only those with upgraded upload speeds would have traffic shaping applied, well my upload hasn't been updated and I see plenty of traffic shaping :(

There is talk on the VM forums that this has been rolled out across then entire VM network, but maybe that's not true?

This whole thing is confusing and poorly implemented.
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