Virgin Media Discussion Thread

@Naan_H just helped a friend upgrade last week to 'Vivid 300' - he was automatically put on the Vivid 350 package. Despite the live chat agent insisting it didn't exist, I just let her put the order through. Next day checked his VM account and it shows Vivid 350!

If it's any use the deal I got him was basic TV, Talk Evenings & Weekends and Vivid 300 (350) for £47pm and some pennies and £20 'activation'... initially was £50 odd but she discounted this when I said the fee wasn't justified for an existing customer.

The TV he won't even use, she literally said you had to take it to get the discounted rate. Without TV it was £55pm odd you couldn't make it up! Downgrading to Talk Weekend only puts it up too! Ridiculous pricing matrixs with VM.

it's how they get a grip over you. their pricing is set that way so you use them for everything. rather than what I'm doing at the moment.

I have VM 200MB for £38 a month on it's own nothing else. I then have Sky Q from Sky with all the channels minus sports and movies for £12 a month. About to go up to £56 a month as my 12 month offer has expired and it was an 18 month contract so I will cancel in February. I'll also cancel my tv license when I get rid of sky. Going to just use netflix and amazon prime from now on.
What routers is everyone using?
Were currently on the Vivid150 package and using the SH3 but feel the router could be better as WiFi connection cut's out the odd time in the far room.
Super Hub 3 can some one check for me what happens when you go into settings as when i go to port forwarding with out making any changes and try to go to the next setting it comes up with this message (We have noticed that you made some changes on the Port forwarding. Leaving the page without saving them will result to losing your settings.) same happens in DMZ without making any changes.
Super Hub 3 can some one check for me what happens when you go into settings as when i go to port forwarding with out making any changes and try to go to the next setting it comes up with this message (We have noticed that you made some changes on the Port forwarding. Leaving the page without saving them will result to losing your settings.) same happens in DMZ without making any changes.

It's just a standard warning, you can ignore it. The SH3 has very broken port forwarding, it's basically unusable. As always with VM, you're better using modem mode and setting up a proper router/firewall.
It's just a standard warning, you can ignore it. The SH3 has very broken port forwarding, it's basically unusable. As always with VM, you're better using modem mode and setting up a proper router/firewall.

Thanks Rainmaker i just cant remeber that message appearing before. Im still trying to sort my supernews problem sending them tracer routes and ping tests to them so they can try to sort out my lack of speed issue. Today im getting around 5.6mb/s better than 800kbs i was getting but that can change yet at any time during the day.
Had a play around last night to try getting a spare TP Link AC1900 setup, set the SH3 into modem mode (reboots ok and purple light on) plugged Ethernet cable from port closest to bottom into the wan port on the router but the TP Link won't any ip settings up from VM, set TP Link to Wireless router mode and with DHCP enabled.

Gone back to the SH3 and split the wireless into seperate channels for the time being but would be nice to get the TP Link working, am I doing something wrong with the setup?
is SH3 now playing nice in modem mode? it used to have disconnectedness every 30 minutes or so when in modem mode. I would love to use my Drytek for routing and Pi-Hole.
is SH3 now playing nice in modem mode? it used to have disconnectedness every 30 minutes or so when in modem mode. I would love to use my Drytek for routing and Pi-Hole.

It holds a connection and works fine in modem mode, modem mode however will not fix the latency and jitter issues inerrant in the Puma chipset.
Had a play around last night to try getting a spare TP Link AC1900 setup, set the SH3 into modem mode (reboots ok and purple light on) plugged Ethernet cable from port closest to bottom into the wan port on the router but the TP Link won't any ip settings up from VM, set TP Link to Wireless router mode and with DHCP enabled.

Gone back to the SH3 and split the wireless into seperate channels for the time being but would be nice to get the TP Link working, am I doing something wrong with the setup?

Did you have the cable plugged in when you booted the SH3? You can't just plug in a device after the SH3 boots, as it won't assign an IP. If you'd have rebooted it after connecting the cable, you'd have received the WAN IP.

is SH3 now playing nice in modem mode? it used to have disconnectedness every 30 minutes or so when in modem mode. I would love to use my Drytek for routing and Pi-Hole.

Yeah the port flapping issue was solved a couple of firmware updates ago. No problems now - ask my pfSense box. :D
Yet another £3.99 price rise letter today, for no reason other than a reiteration of the service we already pay for.

Cancelling today and signing up under the Mrs' name to get a better, cheaper package. So annoying this has to be done, but hey.
Did you have the cable plugged in when you booted the SH3? You can't just plug in a device after the SH3 boots, as it won't assign an IP. If you'd have rebooted it after connecting the cable, you'd have received the WAN IP.

Several times, I'll give it another go at the weekend and see if it'll pair up, only trying to do it to use the better wireless on the TP Link.
Did you have the cable plugged in when you booted the SH3? You can't just plug in a device after the SH3 boots, as it won't assign an IP. If you'd have rebooted it after connecting the cable, you'd have received the WAN IP.

Yeah the port flapping issue was solved a couple of firmware updates ago. No problems now - ask my pfSense box. :D

My pfSense box agrees with his pfSense box :D
ive just upgraded from 200mb + phone + sky tv package to the vip package for £92 per month.
Tried for the new customer price but that was best they would do. free install and no 'activation fees'.

Was paying 38 for sky and 48 for virgin. so for extra £6 im going up to 300mb internet and gaining BT sports HD which i have been wanting but sky want over £20 alone for it. 12 months contract.
ive just upgraded from 200mb + phone + sky tv package to the vip package for £92 per month.
Tried for the new customer price but that was best they would do. free install and no 'activation fees'.

Was paying 38 for sky and 48 for virgin. so for extra £6 im going up to 300mb internet and gaining BT sports HD which i have been wanting but sky want over £20 alone for it. 12 months contract.
Thats a pretty nice deal! Is the 300mb the new replacement for the 200 gamer package?
I've now upgraded my VM boxes after getting fed up with the slow old Tivo box and having to reboot the SH2 most days. Gone up from 200MB to 300MB BB and got one of the new T6 boxes, a SH3 and no upgrade charges.

I've read various people are having issue's with the SH3 but so far mine has been rock solid and wifi has vastly improved. The T6 box is so much quicker too, like really fast.
Got my letter and phoned to complain about it. The first guy I spoke to offered me what I think is a good deal so will probably take him up on it. Essentially, currently on Vivid 200Mb line, free phone with free weekend calls and stay on my Fun TV package (think it is now called Mix anyway the 170+ channels). I was paying £33.95 previously and the £3.99 increase would have taken it up to £38.

I stay on the same package, get a new T6 box and the price goes down to £28.95 in total. Almost feel bad phoning to squeeze for more as per the £40 deal a few pages up. Don't really need the Full TV package, wifi limits me to about 85Mb-105Mb anyway. The only thing I would like is the Homeworks package for the next day engineer as I work from home. Apparently, that now costs £5 not £10.

That being said, he rolled over so quickly (we had a very nice chat) that something tells me that more is on offer but I would rather limit monthly outgoings than get more add-ons I probably won't use for a higher cost.

Do I need 350Mb when I cannot go faster than 105Mb over wifi, Full House TV when we use mostly Netflix? Instead of paying an additional £6.50pm for the second Tivo box, may as well get a Roku or Chromecast for the kids. Maybe hold out for the Homeworks? Any thoughts?

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