Virgin Media Discussion Thread

I hate virgin. I live out in the valleys of S.Wales and the nearest place that even has cable or fiber optic is 10+miles away. Living off BT here (only people who supply) on a blistering 6meg (goes down to 2meg at peak times).
Anyone know how much extra per month it will cost me to upgrade to 50mb? I currently have 10mb.

Description Date/period Amount
Telephone Line Rental 04 February - 03 March £12.24
Talk Unlimited 04 February - 03 March £8.00
Phone, Bband & TV M Discount 04 February - 03 March £-11.00
Talk Unlimited Offer 04 February - 03 March £-3.95
Free Voicemail 04 February - 03 March £0.00
TV Size: M 04 February - 03 March £0.00
Broadband Size: L 04 February - 03 March £25.25
Paper Bill Charge 25 January £1.25

TOTAL: £31.79
Since last week my 50mbit service has been terrible. Slow opening web pages and poor speeds fluctuating all over the place.


Some nasty looking ping results right there.

You connecting to the superhub via wireless ?

I got mine installed just over a week ago and everything was fine, then yesterday the wireless side of the superhub started playing up (I have a static PC on ethernet also). I can still connect but where as before I was getting ~200mbps connection with a N adaptor its now reporting 1-2mbps. I get similar results to you on speed test, massive pings (200ms+) and about 0.4mbps DL speed over wireless but fine over cable. The range has also gone completely off, the internet radio in the kitchen was working perfectly now its unable to connect. I'm going to try and get a replacement hub today, it will be my first experience with the infamous virgin customer support.

UPDATE: Bizarre, got home tonight, wireless is working ?? it's still not achieving anything like max speed but everything is connecting and I'm able to browse the web etc. Hopefully Im not speaking too soon. I did speak with Virgin tech support today, the guy said he was aware of many reported issues with the wireless connection on the superhub (check virgins own forums) and said that there is a major firmware upgrade for it on the way soon.
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Called Virgin Media, asked how much extra it would be per month for Virgin Media 50mb from my current 10mb, only £10.57 extra per month, they are going to install on Tuesday, I am happy! :D
I upgraded from 20 to 50 meg a year ago and they supplied a new modem and router.

And yes the engineer had to visit as an adjustment had to be made in the street cabinet, no idea what he did though
Ah interesting! Good to know for when I get mine installed... if I ever get mine installed. Currently there is a bug on their system that says I can only get 10mb and 20mb internet and nothing else. Now this house used to have - and is still wired up for - TV in 3 rooms and a phone line in 2 rooms and their system says every other house on the street can get everything... So yea, their system is broken lol. Waiting for them to send a spotter out and find out what's what, then they will let me upgrade! Argh!

Well finally just got this mess sorted out and my 50mb is being installed tomorrow. Fingers crossed it all goes ok :)
:) .... nice, i take it we wont see you for a week or two now while you take full advantage of the new download speed :D

How was the whole "install" experience ?
:) .... nice, i take it we wont see you for a week or two now while you take full advantage of the new download speed :D

How was the whole "install" experience ?

Something like that :p

Install went ok, he didn't do much. Not sure if he went into the cab before he arrived at my house, but all he did inside was change the modem and register the new one with VM. He then loaded the registration web page on my PC, told me to fill in the form then left. A little form and a few modem restarts later and I was online.

I'd only woke up 10 mins before he arrived with the worst hangover I've ever had too!
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