Virgin Media Discussion Thread

My service has been so **** the last 2 months that I know actually have about 6 months free as they can not even figure out my problem let alone fix it. My upstream signal drops off the radar at random times of the day and the thing that ****es them off is i have a folder without about 75 screenshots of this in about a 2week period. But, of course when they are here it does not happen. Would love my net to work proper but at least after its said and done i will have got a few fair extra months free
My downloads been pretty consistent at 40-50 ever since I subscribed at launch, but my upload is beyond a joke. Lucky to see 0.2Mb/s over the past few weeks.
got my internet back... it was something to do with the virgin tv power settings

now im getting 4.83Mb upload speed also

but he said the upstream power level is still high, it's 58.2.
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Something interesting is happening.

The net went down for over 6 hours on friday and when it came back up the latency seems to have improved. Its much more stable now.

My net has basically gone from this:

to this today:

It has NEVER looked like that since Ive started this BB monitor.

Wonder if my ping issues are finally fixed, and just when I went and ordered a BT line to then go and order alternate broadband and cancel VM!
not read through since my last post but since iv upgraded to 30mb (so 2 maybe 3 weeks ago) i get 1-3mb download speed int he morning and at night and when i do manage to get the full speed the rubbish superhub hangs connection :S needs to be reset on average 20 times a day, sometimes as soon as its come back on it goes back off.

Nice little squabble at that thread lol.

Bottom line, regardless of what they tell you, and wha they admit to, VM are traffic monitoring using deep packet inspection and are traffic shaping particular types of user, namely those using torrents or the newsgroups, FACT.

Get yourself an account with one of the newsgroups providers that has SSL connection options and use that, chances are you'll see a massive increase in speed, immediately

If you are using ssl connection to say Astraweb, can vm still see what you are downloading using deepp packet inspection? Or is it just for traffic shaping?
I have an AstraWeb account, and yes there are times i can confirm, without a shadow of a doubt, the VM servers are being crippled speed wise, and a massive increase is seen using the AstraWeb SSL connection...

Now, to play devils advocate for a second, yes, my tests and conclusions are based on the same file set, downloading first from one connection then switching to the other mid way and then back, in order to change server/service you have to disconnect and reconnect, a small difference can sometimes be seen when you do this, also this test does not prove that the service is being traffic managed/shaped rather than a server slow down on the VM newsgroup servers, although the outcome is the same for the end user, connect via VM server, get a service below what you are paying for regardless of the amount you download, just purely based on your method of download, Switch to an SSL connection and you see an increase immediately.

Throttling on certain ports is definitely being enabled too, based on the many many complaints/reports posted around the internet, a quick search should produce enough results to make google groan !

And yes i agree with whoever said the indian call centres are counter productive, and create nothing but contempt for VM

btw... xiphrex, which BB monitor is that your using ?
got my internet back... it was something to do with the virgin tv power settings

now im getting 4.83Mb upload speed also

but he said the upstream power level is still high, it's 58.2.

Your from Leicester and you already have the upload incease? :eek:

In the pdf it says August for Leicester :p
Had an interesting chat with a lovely lady in India yesterday.

My Superhub without fail will crash at least three times a week, the only way to restore internet is to switch it off for a minute, I explained this to the lovely lady and I requested a replacement as it's clearly faulty, she said if this happens again I should switch the router off to restart it.

I explained I have done this many times over the last week, and she said to carry on doing this, I then asked for a replacement as it's clearly faulty and she said......

"Mr. Smith as I am sure you are aware they are very expensive pieces of equipment and we cannot supply a replacement due to costs."

I was dumb founded, I then pushed her and she said I am to monitor the situation and if it happens again call back and run through tests with someone else.

Fantastic service!
BTW, The super Hubs updated themselves to firmware R20-> R25 on their own yesterday so some problems would have been down to that.

Anyway Astraweb cant reach full speed I was hovering over 4MB/s yesterday.. it might not be Virgin as my mate let me have his account info on newshosting and tried and instantly got a rock solid 6MB/s.
cant complain here been with virgin 5 years i can sit here all day every day and get same results never had a problem with torrents either i have 30 down and 3 up and never ever get below 30 on the down not even 29.9 its just perfect all day long. bt can only offer me 2meg where i live :( in GU14 area
I arranged for a new 50Mbit connection, but apparently the premises didn't have a cable running in to and through the wall, although the VM cables were affixed ot hte side of hte building and were running up to the neighbours.
On the date of the install, at the time the engineer was supposed to visit, I get a call saying they've cancelled it because they would require to dig up the street and run a new cable.

Talk about great customer service!
I told them that the cable is already running to the premises, all they hadto do was install a splitter, but they said that was not the case and that cable line was 'damaged' or something along those lines, I was surprised because it can't be damaged as the neighbours have service.

Funny thing is, BT recently installed a new FTTC cabinet right across the street, and it's been sitting there, unactivated, for weeks. ETA 30 June. Both companies can be bastardly annoying, that's for sure.

Glad I have working 50Mbit at home! Maybe in a weeks time I will try and order the 50Mbit service from VM Business, hopefully they treat their customers differently, as it's not an India call centre I spoke to, but someone normal, in the UK.
If I call up and the Indian call centre answers, I hang up and try again till I get someone in Britain.

not trying to be horrible or anything but they really are useless

last time my service went down and i only had the receive light flashing on my modem the woman on the phone was so reluctant in booking the engineer and she just refused to listen to anything i was saying

she suggested that i clear my cookies to fix the problem and i should stop using firefox and stick to IE only

had to threaten to cancel before she booked it
the other times ive had to phone up and ive got someone in the UK it has always been a smooth experience
any time u want to report or do anything to your virginmedia services speak to retentions.
They are all uk based and will sort u out, If not they will put u though to a uk department.
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