VM 20 > 30 meg upgrade

24 hours? It should be instant. They might not have closed your work order off. Log onto the superhub and check the connection, your down connection rate should be 30MB.

No idea, the guy I spoke to first time didn't really seem to know what he was doing. So after I finally got it working I phoned 150 and doubled checked that the 30MB speed had been activated, he said yes and it can take up to 24 hours.

It is definately still 20MB, under Advanced > Maintenance > Connection it states: 20480000 bps / 768000 bps
In fairness VM are muppets. They made a massive mess of my upgrade, called up to activate, told it would take 5-10mins, but remained on 20Mbit, called back and referred to support who fobbed me off with the 24hr remark, called straight back to the activation team and pressed them, they found that the work order wasnt closed off properly and it updated instantly...

Or so I thought... the internet was fine, but then the HD/V+ services stopped on my TV!! called support and was advised an engineer needed to call after the weekend, he replaced the box to no avail. Referred to tech support who did something their end which fixed it.

All because some muppet couldnt do his job properly. Gash. I'm gonna call up, complain and see if I can get some goodwill tbh. May even see if I can swag 50Mbit, since its apparently only an extra £5 p/m.
A lot of people here seem to not need their engineer to come out to upgrade? Have you all had 50mbit at some point then?
It is self install, so you shouldn't need one unless you run into problems. I came from 20MB, never had 50MB and didn't need an engineer. It is a simple swap over up to the point where you get Virgin involved lol!

I ended up calling again after Khaaan!'s post, once I moaned about it and mentioned the work order might not be closed she looked into it and upgraded it instantly. The call did end in the middle strangely, must be a fault their end but she left me a voice mail with words like "chappy" lol. So it took three calls, once to activate the superhub, once to check, once to get it sorted. Thankfully they were all free so not that fussed but it would have been nice to sort it in one call.
My 2 calls were not free because we use Vonage for the phone service so could not call anyone while the connection was being sorted lol but I wasn't on the phone via the mobile for longer than a few minutes so it didn't cost too much.

Least it's sorted now until the next big speed shakeup!
I've ordered this now but by god did it take a long time.

Every (obvious) question seemed to require a 5 minute discussion with a manager to resolve.

Can we send it to your work address? I'll just check with a manager. Answer - yes, it's coming next Monday.
Does it involve a new contract? I'll just check with a manager. Answer - yes, new 12 months broadband contract required, though if I move house to a non-cabled area, I can apparently get out of this.
Can you keep your discount? I'll just check with a manager. Answer - yes as it's a standard multi-service discount rather than a specialist extra discount.

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Hi there,

Im thinking of upgrading to this but only if i dont lose my current deal or can work out a new one... anyway that is my problem and not yours....

Basically i game mostly and watch Iplayer and stream lots, occasionally download Linux, but rarely.

Is there any noticeable gaming issues with ping or jitter on the docsis 3.... Its quite good as it is now on 20mbit and i shouldn't tempt fate if its got any chance of being crap
I'm seeing lower pings on DOCSIS3 than when I was on 20MB. I am now getting 21ms on Left4Dead 2 where I was getting 30~ before. Jitter according to pingtest.net is well within the margin of error and not really any different to the 20MB connection.

The faster speeds are also most likely to be attributed to the faster upload speeds as well.
I've ordered this now but by god did it take a long time.

Every (obvious) question seemed to require a 5 minute discussion with a manager to resolve.

Can we send it to your work address? I'll just check with a manager.
Does it involve a new contract? I'll just check with a manager.
Can you keep your discount? I'll just check with a manager.


and what were the answers to those questions Robbie?
I had rang up and try to cancel it because they failed to promise me 30Meg with discount loyalty, they put me through to manager and they had now resolved it, and they put credit back on my account £5.00. The manager had confirmed that the last person didn't put discount applied on your account because it didn't closed off properly. They say I am now on a discount loyalty of £5.00 off but they say they only do it for one time only and must stay with 30 Mg as the loyalty discount cannot put on 50Meg or 100Meg in future unless my 12 months is up.

I ring back an hour later, found out they never put any credit on my account and still paying full charge £28.50 and no discount loyalty at all, no notes of it from manager.

Really annoying and angry, can't trust virgin media customer service! They lies and never kept their words. Went through to cancellation dept, they say I cannot cancel it because my agreement start 1st February and the cooling off period had ended yesterday. Won't let me downgrade to 10 Meg for lower price £21.00. Told me I had to stay on 30 Meg at £28.50 per month on the 12 months contract until 1st February 2012.

I had arguement that virgin media does allow to upgrade or downgrade of your service at least once a month (28 days) but they stated the new 30Meg XL is on a new T&C's stated must stay on the service for a minimum of 12 months contract and the website does metion star harsh with 12 months contract on it and read the small print. Cheek of virgin media as 28 days is no longer now.
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just phoned to check on what the hell is the status of my order for upgrade (ordered it Sunday, no confirmation other than an email stating we will be in touch As soon as possible..........over 2 days ago), and "steve" told be all systems are down and they can't even access accounts....hahahah...phone back in 2 hours !

Just had a text from VM to say my parcel will arrive tomorrow. Never knew they delivered the technician.
They do, they come flat packed!

FWIW My 30MB has been outstanding stability wise although I'm bypassing the SuperHub so I would have expected that anyway.

The DL speeds are an additional 1.2MB/sec~ which doesn't seem like much when considering 20MB was the old connection but I guess it does help, not really noticed stuff downloading in a shorter time but then again I just tend to begin a download and go to read a website and it's done by the time I'm finished.

Download speeds are consistently 3.6MB/sec on fresh Usenet content at all times of the day.
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just installed the superhub and set it up with my WRT54GL. It all works as it should but took a few attempts to get it to save some of the settings! DMZ kept emptying itself after being set.

30meg here now and working well :)
just installed the superhub and set it up with my WRT54GL. It all works as it should but took a few attempts to get it to save some of the settings! DMZ kept emptying itself after being set.

30meg here now and working well :)

I have this router also. Did you follow the instructions posted earlier in this thread to get it to mate with the 'Superhub'? Are you getting the full 30Mb over wireless?
They do, they come flat packed!

Not sure why they said about having someone coming out in the original email. I'd be annoyed if I took the day off (they gave no time slot) to find a neighbour could have just kept a look out to sign a parcel.
I followed what I could remember from reading the guide the other night lol

Basically I disabled wireless, upnp and anything else I could find that I didn't need. I changed it's IP address from to something else (I have the 54GL set to that and wasn't sure if the same default gateway for WAN and LAN on the 54GL would conflict), setup the DHCP to only allow 1 client and to always give that client a specific IP (this is the MAC address of the WAN part of the WRT54GL. Probably didn't need to do this step but I just prefer having only the 1 IP I need from it being dished out). then set the DMZ to that IP so it just forwards the net straight on.

Didn't need to change anything on the 54GL, I just released it's current WAN settings and told it to renew them. Job's a gooden.

I get full 30megs on my wired devices (tested with newsgroups), however only get about 21meg on my laptop (Acer 8371 with intel 5300 abgn card and 3rd antenna) when running a speed test on speedtest.net. I'm assuming this is the limitation of wireless G and/or the 54GL's hardware? the 54GL is running Tomato which I found helped my wifi speed over the standard firmware (not to mention how much more stable and awesome this firmware is lol).

I ran the same speedtest from the same location on my wired desktop and it shows full 30meg

Laptop on wifi:

Desktop via cable:
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