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I for one applaud the effort here by OCUK to genuinely try and help people get a card. I've been waiting like most since the cards were announced and for months and months and months, had no joy at buying one. Checking sites every morning, first thing, so frustrating. From the announcement of this trial yesterday, to today, I've managed to buy myself a card. From months of nothing, to having something ordered and delivered next day for free. Amazing. I can't see any other retailers trying to do anything to help like this. Yeah OK so it's not perfect, but it's a darn site better than what was happening. People now have a genuinely reasonable chance of buying a new card. Bravo OCUK.
Think those that have been traced and banned are voicing their opinion quite loudly on discord lol, obviously would never admit to what they actually did :p.
They're just salty for getting caught out. Also, Nice one, glad you got a card :)

Must have been one of the very last ones to get in. Was wrestling with whether or not to go for it and decided forgiveness is easier than permission, plus permission would have taken another 2 minutes and I'd have missed out anyway :D.
I have to say well done to OCUK for this inititiative, at least they are trying to get these into the hands of gamers at prices close to MSRP.
My confidence with OCUK was atleast partly restored with this voucher scheme. Would love to see some sort of tiem frame for when gpus are going to be put on this scheme. Understandably that would be difficult to try and keep scalpers away. I was looking at getting a 3060 ti earlier in the year.
Honestly, even though I placed my first order with OCUK just over 10 years ago but only registered on the forums today, this is a great idea. It could be tweaked to include loyal customers, but looking at my order history and the total amount it represents spent here, I doubt I'd qualify for that either but it's nice to see a company do this anyway!
My confidence with OCUK was atleast partly restored with this voucher scheme. Would love to see some sort of tiem frame for when gpus are going to be put on this scheme. Understandably that would be difficult to try and keep scalpers away. I was looking at getting a 3060 ti earlier in the year.
I think the more random the drops are the better, then 'regulars' get more of a chance.
I get it and honestly no hard feelings. If it would have come to it I would 100% have tracked back the order and there would have been no issues at all. I know a lot of the guys here personally and would not want something as silly as a few hundred quid GPU to cause issues or change that. :)


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