VX2835wm prob since new update.


Just like to say 'hello' firstly to everyone here at OcUK.

Hi Demon and a big thanks for the solution to the res issue of the ViewSonic VX2835wm/xbox360.

Kinda glad in the end that I didn't notice this issue until 'after' I bought a ViewSonic VX2835wm, as this would have deterred me from buying one (love it). I had planned using it especially for my 360 as well as my desktop PC, so it was essential to get 1080p on a high res monitor for my 360.

Here's What I did:

Hardware: MSI GX700 Notebook using HDMi to HDMi.

(1) Dloaded & installed Softmccs (free). http://www.entechtaiwan.com/lib/softmccs.shtm

(2) Dloaded, installed & registered Power strip (PayPal £23). http://www.entechtaiwan.com/util/ps.shtm

(3) Dloaded & installed ViewSonic EDID editor (free). http://www.viewsonic.com/support/downloads/drivers/?prod_name=EDID

(4) Used Softmccs to grab the original EDID from ViewSonic VX2835wm and saved.

(5) Edited EDID as Demon instructed using ViewSonic EDID editor (opened the saved EDID with ViewSonic EDID editor and changed bytes 52/53 from 71,4F to D1,C0 and SAVED). Remember! 'Click on modify EDID in order to change the hex dec'.

(6) Updated New EDID using REGISTERED version of Power strip (options/monitor info then bottom left dropdown menu/update EDID).

(7) Once 'complete' Reboot monitor and 360. Now you have the 1080p option in the 360 display settings.

Thanks again Demon.
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Hello all (Demon specially :)

Please can you somebody help me? I have the same problem with my ViewSonic vx2835wm and Xbox 360 (HDMI only 480p) as you. I used the guide from this forum. I tried find the solution but something is still wrong. I used HDMI to HDMI and Windows Vista.

What I did:
1) SoftMCCS (free) -> save EDID file as VSC0F1F (ViewSonic EDID file)
I don´t know if the program is working correctly because I can´t change nothing and some icons are inactive. (but I think there is nothing to change so....)

2) ViewSonic EDID editor (free)
a) open VSC0F1F
b) click on "Moddify EDID" (from OFF to ON)
c) manually change 2 bytes (52/53) from 71,4F to D1,C0 (from 1152*876@75Hz to 1920*1080@60Hz)
d) click on last byte -> checksum is OK
e) save

3) Powerstrip (registered)-> Options/Monitor information/update EDID (bottom left dropdown)

And there is the problem (2 messages):
1) An EDID EEPROM was not detected on the selected monitor. Do you want to scan the bus for other EDID EEPROMs? - I clicked YES

2) An EDID EEPROM is not found

So I tried used another graphic card (laptop MSI with ATI 4670) but I still have the problem with update EDID. However there is another wrong message:
1) Valid EDID EEPROM has been detected on the selected monitor. Click yes to update this EEPROM, no to scan the bus for other EEPROMs, or cancel to abort.- I clicked YES (I think that´s right)

2) This file does not appear to contain a valid EDID. Please check it in an EDID editor.

Please can you change my VSC0F.dat? Here is: http://rapidshare.com/files/333380282/VSC0F1F.dat

Or let me know what I´m doing wrong....
Of course thank you so much for your help!!!!

Sorry for my English it is´t my native language :)
Hi Def-Jam..

I think the issue is that the Viewsonic EDID Editor has changed, and is outputting a full EDID description when you save it, if you open your file in a text editor you can see how it's got so much information in..

IIRC, powerstrip requires the raw 'data' to be in a dat file..

You could try the "File->Export Hexadecimal EDID File" in the viewsonic EDID editor, and try loading that into Powerstrip...

What I did:
1) SoftMCCS (free) -> save EDID file as VSC0F1F (ViewSonic EDID file)
I don´t know if the program is working correctly because I can´t change nothing and some icons are inactive. (but I think there is nothing to change so....)

2) ViewSonic EDID editor (free)
a) open VSC0F1F
b) click on "Moddify EDID" (from OFF to ON)
c) manually change 2 bytes (52/53) from 71,4F to D1,C0 (from 1152*876@75Hz to 1920*1080@60Hz)
d) click on last byte -> checksum is OK
e) save

3) Powerstrip (registered)-> Options/Monitor information/update EDID (bottom left dropdown)
I know this is a really old thread. But by following those steps, I have been able to finally use my monitor with my PS3. I am very thankful to everyone who has provided input into this thread. I had a few issues along the way. My main laptop has VGA and HDMI output. Only VGA output would work with my monitor. I was able to read the EDID data from the VGA connection, but PowerStrip would not find my monitor. I have no laptops with DVI output, but the monitor worked with HDMI output from another laptop. PowerStrip detected one, and sometimes two displays on this laptop, but I got errors when trying to write to either display. PowerStrip started giving me the option to correct some errors when I selected a display. I did this, and PowerStrip wanted me to reboot, but I didn't. After that PowerStrip actually showed that I had a ViewSonic display and I was able to update the EDID data this time.

I restarted the monitor, but my main laptop would still not see it (maybe I need to reboot my laptop), but I connected my PS3 to the monitor and it worked straight away.
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