People hating on this but not actually given any reasons?
And I don't know much about the early 1900s, but it appeared as I would have expected and looked very authentic. Really well done in my opinion.
However, the writing is so moronic it rubs off on the characters making them utter imbeciles.
Namely, the meteorite scenes. You would call the army. Any astronomer who found that in their back yard wouldn't think it's a shooting star that 'snuffed' itself out (lol). And a shooting star is a meteor so wtf is he talking about?
But even when the ******* thing is rumbling and acting weirdly, they're all still pouring over it like it's perfectly natural.
No way that crowd would have stayed there that long. Even when a giant black sphere erupts and starts violently spinning in front of everyone, they're all just gawping up at it like a load of handicaps. Oh but the penny drops when people start to spontaneously combust at random. No, nothing amiss before.
When the army does turn up it's 'just a forest fire', no investigation necessary.
Let's dismount my horse when I'm home free so I can run back into the carnage risking myself and loved one, all for a bloody dog.