Warframe... Anyone on here play?

This may be a treasonous wuestion but would this be ok to play with a controler since its pve

Might be fun for laptop gaming
Well this feels a bit like Mass Effect 3 multiplayer early on, which isn't such a bad thing. Bit confusing at first though!

I quite like it... as for controller @Tefal I don't see why not as it's available on PS4 as well.
There's a few places left in OCUK clan if anyone is looking to join. All research bar Hema and Ignis Wraith (not possible to get ignis atm) done.

This may be a treasonous wuestion but would this be ok to play with a controler since its pve

Might be fun for laptop gaming

Controller is fine especially for melee, but you might want m+kb for shooting guns.
After 4 hours of play I can safely say this is awesome. I tried Destiny for a few hours on PS4 but was a bit meh. I'm looking forward to trying different Warframes more suited to my playstyle but Excalibur is OK for now. :)

There's a few places left in OCUK clan if anyone is looking to join. All research bar Hema and Ignis Wraith (not possible to get ignis atm) done.

I'm interested in some team play, just getting the early part of the story finished by the looks of it. NinjaNarj in game and I'm in the discord group.
I'm looking forward to trying different Warframes more suited to my playstyle but Excalibur is OK for now. :)

Rhino from the Jackal boss on Venus is the easiest one to get for new players, grind him til he drops all parts and then buy the blueprint from the market for credits.
Easy and you now have a Warframe that you can take to the end-game too.
I'm looking forward to trying different Warframes more suited to my playstyle but Excalibur is OK for now. :)

Yea I didn't like Excalibur, it's not the worst just a bit meh.

Rhino is awesome though and you get it real quick. I like Mag also, it's great for the gate bosses the 2/3 ability combo is like a hack against them.
Rhino from the Jackal boss on Venus is the easiest one to get for new players, grind him til he drops all parts and then buy the blueprint from the market for credits.
Easy and you now have a Warframe that you can take to the end-game too.
Yea I didn't like Excalibur, it's not the worst just a bit meh.

Rhino is awesome though and you get it real quick. I like Mag also, it's great for the gate bosses the 2/3 ability combo is like a hack against them.

Cheers... I discovered by accident you can do a bullet jump immediately followed by a stealth takedown last night. Very satisfying :D

I like the Paris bow, I'm a stealth+headshot player mostly (and love the penetration/multi-kill aspect) but I'm tempted to give run and gun a go after watching some YT videos. :eek:
@Narj you must be one of the few people who like bows (other than lens) i cant get rid of them fast enough . There is some sweet snipers you will get later on .. no so stealthy but great fun
So I got this gun, a Bazar. Really like it tons better than my other weapons,a brief Google search seems to suggest it's okay, worth putting an orokin catalyst on?

Also what non prime Warframe (s?) is/are best for solo?

Basically I am MR8 and got as far as Pluto, but i am hitting a point where I am struggling to progress further through the game solo, without heavily relying on others and being carried.

I need a good Warframe/weapon set that I can invest in now so I can progress further.
So I got this gun, a Bazar. Really like it tons better than my other weapons,a brief Google search seems to suggest it's okay, worth putting an orokin catalyst on?

Also what non prime Warframe (s?) is/are best for solo?

Basically I am MR8 and got as far as Pluto, but i am hitting a point where I am struggling to progress further through the game solo, without heavily relying on others and being carried.

I need a good Warframe/weapon set that I can invest in now so I can progress further.

Just run on public and join groups for all the nodes. Solar map progress is just a tiny portion of the game, don't feel you need to solo it all. You'll play every map 100 times+ in the long run.
You need the whole system unlocked to get access to everything i.e. axi fissures to get prime wf parts to build and start putting potatoes in.

If you want a prime in the short term, you can get trinity prime from twitch. She should come with a potato pre-installed. She's a healer but self-sufficient since she has access to the same weaponry as every other wf.

Otherwise even Rhino on a non-potato build with basic mods should be enough to keep you going if you keep Skin active as much as possible. I've posted an image in discord.
Also use specific damage types against the factions - corrosive for grineer, magnetic for corpus, viral/gas for infested
So I got this gun, a Bazar. Really like it tons better than my other weapons,a brief Google search seems to suggest it's okay, worth putting an orokin catalyst on?

Also what non prime Warframe (s?) is/are best for solo?

Basically I am MR8 and got as far as Pluto, but i am hitting a point where I am struggling to progress further through the game solo, without heavily relying on others and being carried.

I need a good Warframe/weapon set that I can invest in now so I can progress further.

I used Rhino for most of the star chart, Iron Skin is massively OP to get you through missions, however I did get frustrated early on at not being able to do much damage due to crap weapons.

We can farm some bosses later if you want to try and get you a new frame, Rhino was pretty easy to get iirc, and I think you can get Limbo and Mirage via quests a little later on.
I got about 15 warframes now, mastered about 5 so far, I didn't like most of them Rhino stands out as the best for solo so far.

I can't remember the ones I have off the top of my head.
This may be a treasonous wuestion but would this be ok to play with a controler since its pve

Might be fun for laptop gaming

I've played it for over 2 years on PC with a controller. There's no competition with other players so no detriment there and personally I can move and shoot almost as fast and accurately as PC players but thats because I've had a lot of practice.

Steam has it all set up for controllers as well so its pretty easy to use and adjust to your convenience.
I need to motivate myself to play warframe again - a little burnt out after grinding MR (or maybe it was just the mutagen sample grind for Hema that finished me off).

I do come and play when ever a new frame or major expansion is released :)

And I still don't have Brakk!!! :mad: I did pickup half a dozen Grustag Three beacons quite recently though... if anybody else has any and wants to share to try and get parts ping me.
I got about 15 warframes now, mastered about 5 so far, I didn't like most of them Rhino stands out as the best for solo so far.

I can't remember the ones I have off the top of my head.

I like Rhino for his tankyness in most missions, I think I probably used him for the vast majority of the star chart. I'm currently using Valkyr Prime as my main for most missions at the moment (probably starting around Neptune), high armor, low shields means I can keep her energy up in most missions ready for a burst of Hysteria to pwn near everything without too much trouble. I've got a mid which turns damage to health into energy so I've usually got enough energy to drop into Hysteria, murder everything nearby before making a tactical withdrawal. Also a great way of taking down the Acolytes and occasional Stalkers with a swift shredding in Hysteria!

I've got the parts building for Limbo Prime, Mirage Prime, and Hydroid Prime - looking forward to trying those out. I've got most of the parts for Saryn Prime but the bit I'm missing costs something like 180 plat which I don't want to spend :p
I like Rhino for his tankyness in most missions

You might like Atlas since he can take a fair amount of punishment with his one. A very durable Warframe if a little bit of a pain to grind when running the archwing boss on Eris.

For vaulted Warframes you can either run void missions in the hope someone has a vaulted relic [which isn't uncommon] or wait until she is unvaulted [this will probably be some time].
I've played it for over 2 years on PC with a controller. There's no competition with other players so no detriment there and personally I can move and shoot almost as fast and accurately as PC players but thats because I've had a lot of practice.

Steam has it all set up for controllers as well so its pretty easy to use and adjust to your convenience.

Actually I'm now thinking of doing what I did with GTA5. Use Steam Big Picture and set up Gyro aim with a PS4 controller.... ultimate compromise. Gyro aim is almost as accurate as mouse, you just have to get used to half-releasing to lock. I do full-pull=gyro mouse look and half-pull=aim.
7 hours so far and this is great. :D

Unfortunately Stealth doesn't seem to work too well in some missions so I'm going to have to work on a run and gun loadout. Just did some defend the extractors mission with some others and it was mental, I felt a bit underpowered but on the plus side I'm getting better at pulling off quick headshots under pressure. :p
Some new free Twitch/Amazon Prime things:

"Instantly unlock gear to help level up your Arsenal in Warframe. Get 50 Platinum (non-tradable), a 7-Day Affinity Booster and a 7-Day Resource Booster to use towards upgrading your equipment."


Not a bad deal, I'm gonna hold out until my frames are built and some weapons so I can use the affinity booster on levelling them up. 50 plat to use in the market too so I guess I could get some more frame slots or some random bits.
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