Warframe... Anyone on here play?

I don't like that signing up for a trial stuff and don't use twitch apart from watching the occasional replay... another firm that will probably sell on your details because if something is free on the internet, you're the product. Plus you'll have to remember to cancel or get charged.

Or am I too cynical?
Got my Rhino with HEK shotty but as recommended as the HEK is I'm not feeling it just yet, reload is slow and only 4 shots, can't deny it does great damage for MR4 weapon. Need more time to play hopefully this weekend I can sink more time in, only got to Ceres so far.

Great crack this game and I feel like now is a pretty good time to get started as there's just so much content :)
I didn't like the hek either.

I don't like that signing up for a trial stuff and don't use twitch apart from watching the occasional replay... another firm that will probably sell on your details because if something is free on the internet, you're the product. Plus you'll have to remember to cancel or get charged.

Or am I too cynical?

Yea I'm the same. It's just something else to try and remember, or get hacked or charged for, ain't worth it.
Anyoine recommend a good pistol/secondary that can be easily obtained (store/clan dojo/or easily on map)?

EDIT: Sorry it would help if I say I am MR10, so gotta be that level or below.

Actually whilst on the subject, anyone got a good setup for a support Taxon (the drone thingy) ideally the more it can heal you the better!
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Anyoine recommend a good pistol/secondary that can be easily obtained (store/clan dojo/or easily on map)?
You've probably already got the dependable Lex, I really liked the Marelok (Dojo lab), Vaykor Marelok is even better if you can get it.
My absolute favourite secondary is/are the Twin Grakatas with their ridiculous fire rate, need a lot of extra ammo support though.
I kind of like the tapper style when it comes to shooters and lean towards single shot high damage weapons that I can one tap to the head with so my suggestions might not suit your style.

As with all subjective Warframe reviews don't let them put you off using something you like but these might help narrow down your choice and get the most out of your resources in the short term.
2018 Warframe Secondary condensed review
2017 Warframe Full Secondary review
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Thanks, I might check out the twin grakatas actually, sound like my cup of tea. Also being a secondary weapon I'm not all that bothered about ammo consumption.
I used akstiletto prime for what felt like an age and loved them til they started to lose effectiveness at higher levels. Used them as a main rather than just a secondary backup.

Moved on to Euphona which is just a secondary for annoying high-hp mobs such as Nox and bosses. (Melee is my meat grinder)
just picked this game up on steam and i cannot get off it, mr6 using nidus warframe, kohm auto shotgun, a rocket pistol of some sort and tekko fists.
really enjoying nidus now after trying mag rhino and some prime healer type from twitch prime it absolutely shred's everything.

started trading and amounted quite a bit plat and bought the rare mods following guides for nidus and kohm and my own crit build tekko

i cannot put the game down! any ocuk clans on it?
Yeah it's addictive :p

We have a clan but it's not the most active in game, we tend to chat more in the OcUK discord (details are somewhere on the main PC Games page). Drop in and say hi!
Finally decided to give this a go after watching from the sidelines for years.

And wow am I glad - it's almost like a perfect mix of mass effect and borderlands, with movement and melee combat more reminiscent of jedi knight! :D

Started with Mag - well figured Pull reminded me of the same power and my favourite power from mass effect 2 and 3, except it doesn't suffer from what Bioware did to kill nerf biotic crowd control when they introduced the stupid binary armour system in ME2... Even in ME3MP Pull was a meme where drell adepts would rather spam reave+cluster grenades as damage > crowd control. :/ Crowd control in Warframe seems more on the level of ME1 style "godmode", except here you get way more enemies coming at you from all angles which means there's always danger. Well I hope it stays that way when getting to high level play, that crowd control is still an effective tactic. Also I so much prefer the energy bar rather than global or individual cooldowns.

And my god the Plains of Eidolon are beautiful. On seeing the recent news for future expansion on Venus and the group ship plus combat, it looks like this is developing into one seriously deep game.

As for build depth - I am only just beginning to wrap my head around all the build possibilities, and it seems there are a lot of ways to be effective.

The best part - I haven't spent a thing to enjoy so far! :o But tbh I think in the future I will, if only to give back something to the devs for persevering with this gem, from what I read was a difficult development.
Yea Mag is great, all the YouTube begginer vids say to avoid that one, but imo she's the best of the three.

Her first ability is a great as a panic button.

Also her 2/3 ability combo is like a hack against some of the gate bosses.
Whats your ingame name Tefal ?

If your on Discord there's an OcUK channel, let someone know when your online and we can send an invite!
Yea Mag is great, all the YouTube begginer vids say to avoid that one, but imo she's the best of the three.

Her first ability is a great as a panic button.

Also her 2/3 ability combo is like a hack against some of the gate bosses.

Yeah 2 and 3 have been awesome so far.

4 I reckon will get better as I unlock more mods as it seems to me it needs some enhancement, although it does momentarily cc enemies - also the animation is awesome.

I've been reading/watching a lot prior to playing to get my head around all the game features and noticed this sentiment, and then equally seeing a small number of players still using mag at high level. So I figured that if other players enjoy it then I can too. In any case at low levels it is very strong.

Anyway from videos I quite like the look of banshee, nyx and frost's abilities so will be aiming to build those in the future - but that's a long way off, I've only just got to Venus! :o
How do I join the ocuk clan:p
We are currently full but have some options to change that. 2 people can be removed to make room for more, but we'll hit the 10 player limit for a ghost clan again.

The reason I don't upgrade to the 100 player barracks is because all research costs will be triplicated. We are trying to arrange a clan session to farm the mats for the final item to research, Hema (also the most ridiculous in terms of reqs). Once that's done, I'll stick a barracks on and we should be good for a while.

If you leave your ign here or in discord I'll send out an invite.

@Narj you are 1 of the 2 mate, you haven't logged in since you were invited and still rank 1! Just ask for an invite when you decide to come back, we should be at the upper limit then.
Ah cool I'm tefal12 in game I'm low rank atm so probbaly best you guys do the farming etc and I'll join up later as it will be a lot more efficent
I've got so much inventory management to catch up on.

Judt been playing and got lots of mods piled up need to start switching them out upgrading or selling some.

Got loads of diamond skin radiation resistance ones but I haven t seen any radiation lol.

Got a bolter and some other rifles being made in the country over last night so gonna try them out today and just keep trying to quickly unlock planets at mars atm
I've got so much inventory management to catch up on.

Judt been playing and got lots of mods piled up need to start switching them out upgrading or selling some.

Got loads of diamond skin radiation resistance ones but I haven t seen any radiation lol.

Got a bolter and some other rifles being made in the country over last night so gonna try them out today and just keep trying to quickly unlock planets at mars atm

Rad is a combined elemental, made from electricity and heat. It makes mobs crazy and attack each other, as well as having 75% bonus against armour. Not much use til later on when you need to fight mobs with armour. Rad resist isn't really needed, there are very few missions with radiation in them, and even then it only turns friendly fire on for players.

Sell your mods for endo rather than credits.
Got one of those 60% off platinum tokens in the daily log in reward yesterday, though debating whether to use it or wait for a 75% off.

If I do I'll probably go for the middle pack which comes to around £26 with the discount for 2100 plat, as it is kind of what I'd pay for this game anyway (already got a good 40 hours out of it, and can easily see myself spending hundreds of hours over the coming years).

But there's a thought that what if next week or something I get the 75%. Better to wait or to use the 60% now? I suppose the real question is how often do these discounts come around? Have read mixed experiences with some people going months/years with nothing and other people getting discounts in a matter of weeks.
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