I suppose the real question is how often do these discounts come around? Have read mixed experiences with some people going months/years with nothing and other people getting discounts in a matter of weeks.
Probably a bit late for you but I'm coming up to the 300 day tribute and I've had 2 75% discounts, one within the first month and the other just last month.
Been playing about 10 months with no long gaps in between logins.
But there's a thought that what if next week or something I get the 75%. Better to wait or to use the 60% now? I suppose the real question is how often do these discounts come around? Have read mixed experiences with some people going months/years with nothing and other people getting discounts in a matter of weeks.
The 75% discounts aren't something you can rely on getting frequently - I probably see them once every two to three months on average.
I do believe that the quality of the daily login reward is improved by MR (better drop tables?) and there's belief that longer periods between logins increases chance of a 75% - unfortunately I tend to login quite frequently so can't say say from personal experience whether that's true or not.
Probably a bit late for you but I'm coming up to the 300 day tribute and I've had 2 75% discounts, one within the first month and the other just last month.
Been playing about 10 months with no long gaps in between logins.
The 75% discounts aren't something you can rely on getting frequently - I probably see them once every two to three months on average.
I do believe that the quality of the daily login reward is improved by MR (better drop tables?) and there's belief that longer periods between logins increases chance of a 75% - unfortunately I tend to login quite frequently so can't say say from personal experience whether that's true or not.
Thanks that's good to know. I decided on the day not to use the 60% discount as I had enough platinum from the initial amount plus the twitch prime bonus (pretty useful if having an amazon prime account to link all that together). I'll wait until seeing a -75% before going straight for the 4300 plat bundle, as I'm in no hurry.
Anyway finally got to Pluto - the Second Dream was pretty damn good, really enjoyed that. Now in the process of unlocking Eris and Sedna junctions.
Double credit weekend looks good, going to try and make the most of that.
Also secretly glad that Baro doesn't have anything good this time as I'm still only mr6 despite having unlocked the map up to Sedna, and the damn Pluto relay requirement is mr8... :/ Still I really want to get that Prisma Shade as I love the standard Shade sentinel, but will have to pass this time as I doubt I'll be able to get to mr8 before Baro leaves (taking into account 24h between 7 and 8 rank tests).
Anyway going to get through the War Within and then focus on completing any unfinished blue nodes as well as ranking up more weapons to raise the mr.
I've been playing this again (was away from home for a while) - I can't believe what an idiot I am. I wasn't even using the Exalted Blade ability before with Excalibur - things suddenly got a lot easier.
i finally got the Dread a few days ago - and then subsequently got a second shortly after... :/ Nice for the stalker to finally show up.
And now have it mostly modded (still need some rare mods like split chamber so will be farming for that) it is a beast so far in mid level play. Can just imagine how insane it can be once I'm able to get all the mods.
Now I'm working on getting the last two Ivara parts - blueprint and neuroptics from the relevant spy missions. Fingers crossed they drop soon.
Edit - yes! finally got the neuroptics and blueprint. still going to be a few days to build but at least no more farming Oceanum... I don't want to see another spy mission for a long time... xD
Anyway so far I've got Mag, Trinity Prime (twitch promo, linked amazon prime account to get it), Nyx Prime, Excalibur Umbra and in a few days Ivara. Nyx is easily my favourite so far - the crowd control is insane and I traded for the Assimilate augment for absorb. Not sure what to aim for next, think I might just focus on decking out Nyx, Mag and Ivara (I don't like Trinity tbh, and Umbra isn't my cup of tea either), trade some stuff and then get MR up to 10 to unlock more things.
I bought teh rhino prime bundle when I first started, added forma x4 to the gun it came with and now finally it's starting to get pretty powerful (bolton prime?!?!) I always forget
Not really sure what I should really be doing though, usually just farm relics, open relics.
no real aim to get a certain warframe or weapon, seems all I can really do is just horde materials until I have high enough mastery for some interesting weapon.
currently at mastery 8, need 2 craft more secondary and melee weapons to lvl I guess or my mastery won't get higher
are any of the warframes lazy mode for defences? just spamming some ability rather than chasing around with a gun?
Rhino Prime is a good pick. RHINO STRONK. I have 3 forma on mine, and I put on the three umbral mods from the Sacrifice quest. The result is pretty solid.
As for lazy defence frames, Banshee is the usual pick. She has an augment mod for her 4 ability, called Resonating Quake, which lets her spam it over and over again. Most enemies can't even get close.
I played with a khora and shield polarise mag on a neo relic defence yesterday (I was playing assimilate nyx) and between them enemies were dying before they even got close enough to get a shot off. I felt kind of redundant as nyx - and in general I'm finding nyx isn't the best for defence because you want the enemies coming to you to die quickly and chaos can cause the waves to be slower. But khoras barbed wire cage thing is ridiculous in defence, and together with mag stripping defences from everything I could barely get a shot off.
Anyway I currently have banshee prime cooking and looking forward to trying it out over the weekend.
Also have mirage prime building and one piece short of finishing zephyr prime.
Been enjoying Ivara a lot, though one thing that bothers me is not being able to quick melee or swap to any gear (ie scanners) while artemis bow is out - have to stow artemis bow first which is not fluid and also becomes monotonous only being able to shoot while artemis bow is equipped... :/ Kind of disincentivises using it, but on the flipside that bow is stupidly powerful at levelling groups of enemies. So either you play artemis bow only and kind of ignore using melee, or you only play prowl and melee but ignore your 4th skill. I find that frustrating, wanting to make use of all skills and weapons together.
Anyway maybe loki or ash might be more suitable in this case so going to aim to unlock them soon.
On another note the sacrifice was amazing story, and Ballas' script/VA is top quality. That line he says about
...see inside an ugly, broken thing and take away its pain
- I did not expect such compelling fiction from this game, on the level of any great modern sci fi. Sure it's no mass effect (1) or kotor, but if DE keep improving on this story it could become something truly special.
Seems like there might be something to the rumour that not logging on for a while gives more chance for higher plat discount.
I haven't logged on for maybe a week so decided to have a go and got the 70% discount voucher. Going to use it this time because holding out for an extra 5% doesn't seem worth it.
I got it into it a few months ago and its definitely worth having a go, it's a little sparse on tutorials at the start, but the community is good and can answer most questions you throw at them without being toxic. You can literally jump right in at any point and it'll still be good.
I got it into it a few months ago and its definitely worth having a go, it's a little sparse on tutorials at the start, but the community is good and can answer most questions you throw at them without being toxic. You can literally jump right in at any point and it'll still be good.
I'd recommend it for sure. It's a good casual game that doesn't need a whole lot of time or focus, you can play it for 10 mins or comfortably play for a couple of hours in a single sitting
There's an OcUK clan and a Discord chat channel on the OcUK server so maybe worth popping your head in there.
i need to get bac to this, i 1st played right after launch.. then left it till about 6 months ago and............ found it pretty daunting, i had no idea what was going on. is there a "proper" story to it or is it just ploughing through the levels?
it looks close to an incredibly good game but, i dunno back when i played i felt it was lacking something, not sure what, kind of a reason to get invested in my character i suppose.
Fortuna's supposed to be launching later today, maybe in a few hours - big open world area on Venus with loads of new stuff. https://www.twitch.tv/de_steve
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