Warframe... Anyone on here play?

Looks like it's about to drop. Redtext is starting, semi-official discord channels have been locked down.

Let's hope this is less frustrating than the POE launch.
50fps in orb vallis with a 1080ti on 3440uw.

FPS is maxed indoors, is 80-90 in POE.

They need to introduce mixed graphics settings for the different zones, or get better coders.
It's a good update, well polished and expands on POE albeit very similar in terms of tasks.

- Fishing is better and depends more on time of day than bait like POE does. There are a couple of fish that need bait but not many.
- Mining is more generous, although the little tracing mini-game has been replaced with a moving target on a bar to it's detriment.
- The caves are numerous, and the indoor complexes owned by the corpus are pretty deep. Not too much to do (yet) without a mission, but it looks like there are lots of placeholders for team-based puzzle solving / button pressing.
- The orb-spiders look formidable. Rebecca has said they need alert level 4 (max) to fight them, which means you'll be taking on the corpus at their most furious as well as trying to down the orb. They're not actually live for fighting yet tho, and the mechanics to do make them vulnerable will need to be figured out.
- And my lord, the corpus at alert level 4 on a 50-60 bounty with 4 players is a fun ride. Almost every mob comes with some kind of nullifier - flying nullies, nully cannons, nully moas with grappling hooks. It's bonkers trying to keep your warframe abilities up.
- The k-drive is ok, it's janky, but not as janky as archwings. I'm not keen on the control systems. Tricks cap out at 3k and you get 1/4 of that as standing for vent kids.

My main problem with it is the time-gating of almost everything craftable behind standing levels with solaris.

- Can't build garuda or k-drives because they need rank 4 gems
- Can't gild kit-guns (and I assume moas) because they need rank 3 to do so

I guess this is the way it must go if they intend to keep vets coming back and satisfying their daily recurring user metrics, but it will suck for low MR players who can't get much standing per day. I'm on 26k per day so it would take me 4 days to get to rank 4 if I don't spend it on items - spending it on items is almost pointless if you can't finalise stuff til rank 3 at the earliest. It will take an MR 10 player 10 days to get to rank 4 in that regard. Double all those times for rank 5.
Need to get back to this - just been way too busy :( Last time I logged in I'd set a load of stuff off crafting so should be in for a nice surprise...
Well, I'm relatively a newbie but think Warframe is great particularly as pick to kill 10 mins game (though I've been playing it slightly more than that recently). As for Fortuna, the best thing about it for me is the k-drive, ie hoverboard. Technically it's unneeded fluff I suppose but it's just so much more fun getting around PoE or OV on them than using an archwing despite being slower. I love the darn thing! :)
Eudico is awesome - probably favourite npc in the game right now, and the other Fortuna npcs are also great. Wasn't sure about the whole "robot head" thing initially but it was easy to emotionally connect with the story there.
Today's special offer kitgun from Zuud is Catchmoon/Haymaker/Splat for 209 plat. Definitely worth getting if wanting to play with one while farming standing etc to craft more.

Sure fire rate and effective range is a little less compared with Lovetap (instead of Haymaker), and reload speed slightly higher than Killstream (instead of Splat), but for maximum damage output this combo is awesome. Ridiculous damage in close range. :)
I got back into this last night. I'm really enjoying playing around with the Hek. :D

Also I'm struggling to figure out which I prefer between Dual Cleavers and the Redeemer. DPS is absolutely insane on my Cleavers but the Redeemer is god-damned awesome in crowded corridors or when swarmed. Redeemer is also pretty much 1-hit kill anything in Stealth with Loki too.

Now I've got to Jupiter, things seem to be opening up - components I could never find are now becoming more common and I'm crafting away quite happily. :D
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Woah, new Baruuk frame looks awesome. lol at "edge meter". :D

I got back into this last night. I'm really enjoying playing around with the Hek. :D

Also I'm struggling to figure out which I prefer between Dual Cleavers and the Redeemer. DPS is absolutely insane on my Cleavers but the Redeemer is god-damned awesome in crowded corridors or when swarmed. Redeemer is also pretty much 1-hit kill anything in Stealth with Loki too.

Now I've got to Jupiter, things seem to be opening up - components I could never find are now becoming more common and I'm crafting away quite happily. :D
Looks like Redeemer Prime is coming with Mesa Prime Access on Dec 18th. :)
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Mesa Prime for anyone interested.
The artists certainly deserve a lot of praise for Mesa Prime - looks incredible, easily one of the best prime models.

Shame I don't care about Mesa's abilities though - kind of boring in a game that's already got enough gun play. More excited about Baruuk and Nyx/Titania reworks. :)
I'm an absolute nightmare for remembering to use abilities, at the end of mission summary screen I see some teammates having used abilities 100+ times and I'm on 0. :rolleyes::D
I tend to rely mainly on weapons, a 4 Forma'd Amprex for crowd control, a secondary with decent range and a dagger Zaw built for attack speed.
Don't have Mesa yet so haven't used her cheese guns ability.:D
^lol, I like this guy's Octavia compositions as well. :D

Anyway excited for Nyx rework this week! Can't wait for that psychic bolt defence stripping, gonna be awesome. :D

Edit - woah, so fortuna 2.0 has just dropped on pc! :o that was an early surprise.
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Profit-taker orb fight is a lot shorter than I thought it would be. I expected it to be Fortuna's take on Eidolons.

Maybe the orb mothers will be that fight.
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