Warframe... Anyone on here play?

I went to do a mission as I just bought a new gun that was slightly better and was gonna rank it up, I was flying through space with 3 other people and they had the names and a little icon at the bottom.

Is it loading or waiting for input or what? I haven't had this before.
That would be a good idea actually sorry. 1 minute.

No idea what an Archwing is.

I hit X to go to the Navigation and select Earth then the "Everest" mission.

Now I saw my ship alone, and a loading bar, and I'm in the mission. Unless it was waiting for players..
I've been thinking about Warframe for some time, the game looks interesting. I even read some guides on frames and items, but I think I would just have to play to know what I'm reading.
Is Warframe a seasonal game, does not it matter where I start playing?

I would love to buy frames for Warframe, they are necessary to be able to play at all, but they also have many development opportunities. You gain the frame development by buying and installing mods for your frame. Of course, you have to pay for everything and here you have three possible choices. The first is to buy platinum for real money, and then buy mods for platinum.
The second is to buy frames and mods for platinum.
The third one is to buy mods and frames for real money. I think that these are optimal solutions

Very possible, but to buy mods you need to know a little about this game. It can not be that people without special entitlements and certificates of four, go and want to buy frames or mods, and can only buy platinum.
Platinum is the most popular and it is worth knowing how to use mods. This is a vanguard among Warframe players.
I am eager to buy Warframe platinum, and if it is cheap, I will buy it more often. Platinum is a very interesting metal and we will quickly gain popularity from platinum, anyway, every Warframe player gets 50 Platinum at the beginning, you can choose the right set (frame). At the very beginning you can choose excalibur or other frames, you do not need to buy mods (but you can).

If you get more currency (platinum), go to the store and buy more mods and frames
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Welcome to the forums @Deanstiel ;) - You can start it anytime and then play it how you want at your own speed.

You begin with a Warframe, there's a choice of a select few but don't worry about making the wrong choice as everyone frame is viable.

Follow the story to level up and look for a guide on slotting mods which enhance your frame/weapon making them more powerful.

There are hourly events, you can farm levels for mats. Missions vary and can be simply hack information to assassinate a target or rescue someone and tons more.

You will unlock other frames and weapons as you level, these require mats which are quite easy to obtain however they take specific time to build ie 10mins to 24hours for example.

It really is the best free to play game out there and although at first it will seem hard to understand the game is designed in a way you don't need to rush. Top tip, set missions to solo !!
Best game out there at the moment and it's free and not play to win. Yes it's complex and you won't know what you're doing for ages but fear not because that is normal. The depth is huge with much to do and explore. I'm 1200 hours in and level 19 of 25 and I still have questions every day and that's good as it doesn't get old.
To give you an idea there are about 35 frames (characters) to play as. All with 5 separate distinct abilities different from all the others. There are hundreds of weapons to craft and hundreds of modifications available for frames and weapons. Then there's the different types of XP. There's also factions and alliances, fishing, mining, scanning, flying, invisibility, Pets, maggots, loot, different currencies. There are about 14 planets each with about 15 locations but there's one big thing that's not normally mentioned - rather than set maps you have 'tile-sets' which means each time you go to do a mission the rooms are jumbled up so the layout is always different. Markers will let you know where to go but the point is you don't get to learn a map or familiar route. It's also very very, very fast. You may struggle to 'keep up' - again this is normal. Check out some streams on Twitch. Good luck and get prepared for a long journey and losing your job, wife, friends etc.
That would be a good idea actually sorry. 1 minute.

No idea what an Archwing is.

I hit X to go to the Navigation and select Earth then the "Everest" mission.

Now I saw my ship alone, and a loading bar, and I'm in the mission. Unless it was waiting for players..

The flying through space bit is the 'loading' screen and those circles under play names I believe are how far into loading they are individually :)
I'll jump in that Discord chat thanks @Snaggle

Just quick Q though, Warframe Market website : Does that complete trades auto or do you need to meet the person selling ingame ?
Played the first mission yesterday and its really good. I have one question about picking up loot. How exactly do you do that as I run over the loot and its still on the floor. Not sure i'm actually picking anything up...
Played the first mission yesterday and its really good. I have one question about picking up loot. How exactly do you do that as I run over the loot and its still on the floor. Not sure i'm actually picking anything up...

I think a lot of it is ammo, health etc which if it's at full already you don't pick up.

But I am well new myself lol.
Yeah most of the stuff you'll see on the floor is ammo, which just stays there if you're already full. More interesting bits like materials will be picked up and will be shown at the bottom of the screen in text. Energy for warframe abilities are blue 'balls', and health drops in red orbs :)

If anyone fancies playing some, feel free to add me, I'm fairly new too. My in game name is SlashyB
Thanks a lot :)
I already have a list of games I have to play, Warframe and Skyrim :)
Tonight I am installing Warframe, I will read some guides which frames and what items to start with :)

No problem :)
I always buy platinum and I buy frames here, thanks to the fact that I know the suppliers and I have a week to buy, I know that they are trusted and checked. I trust them.
When it comes to buying frames, I buy the most and the cheapest Warframe frames here: Buy Warframe frames
It's worth taking a look at the items

Everyone just writes about Platinum and Platinum, and frames and mods are also very important. Frame is the basis of your game and your basic equipment.
Some people ask if Warframes can be bought for platinum, I think it does not. You have to buy at Odealo for money
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Yeah its worth a go - if you've got Amazon/Twitch Prime, there's some free stuff included (a Trinity Prime frame, plus some credits and boosters), and there's a list of codes knocking around on Reddit for a new sword and so on.

Let us know how you get on, I'll probably be on later so feel free to drop me a message if you get stuck or need help.
I'm pretty noobish myself still (only starting playing last week, what a game!), but I think you have to just use it. It'll level up, and with each level you get access to more space for mods.
Yeah it'll level up and give more mod capacity as it reaches max rank (lvl 30), you can build and install an Orokin Catalyst if you want to increase capacity further, but it's probably not worth it if you're still quite new. Same with your warframes, you can get an Orokin Reactor and get a load more capacity but afaik these can only be bought for platinum from the market, and probably only worth it if you've got the Prime variants of the frame.
Yeah it'll level up and give more mod capacity as it reaches max rank (lvl 30), you can build and install an Orokin Catalyst if you want to increase capacity further, but it's probably not worth it if you're still quite new. Same with your warframes, you can get an Orokin Reactor and get a load more capacity but afaik these can only be bought for platinum from the market, and probably only worth it if you've got the Prime variants of the frame.

the orokin reactors and catalysts are often rewards from alerts, invasions and sortie missions

only just noticed this thread but ive been playing for almost a year now and at first it was very overwhelming as there isnt a lot of info on what to do and how to do things in-game
i do have some sites that should help with various things

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki < warframe wiki, full of useful info on everything

http://warframe-builder.com/ < this is a good website where people post builds for everything, warframes, weapons etc

https://warframe.market/ < this is a site for finding people to trade with instead of using the in-game trade chat, you still need to pm them in-game and meet to trade (must be MR2+)

https://deathsnacks.com/wf/ < this is one for showing which alerts/invasions/fissures etc are currently active in-game.. its good if your waiting for a certain mission but dont want to load up the game just to check
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