Warframe... Anyone on here play?

500 relics! I have 11. And I thought that was a lot.

I completed the Second Dream quest last night.

Putting the character creation screen 50 hours into a game... well played, DE. Well played.

I already figured the warframes were like puppets we controlled remotely rather than suits we wore like armour. It was the only way I could think of to have lots of frames with lots of different body shapes and sizes. Also, how Ordis always called us "Operator". But in an earlier quest, Ordis seemed to be very concerned for The Operator's safety. The Operator isn't in danger, it's just a puppet, right? So that had me wondering if it was some kind of soul link type deal where damage to the warframe could damage the operator. Turns out I wasn't a million miles off the mark. It's just that the Operator (and Ordis too, apparently) didn't realise the warframe wasn't their actual body.

The reason players are called Tenno is because they were on a ship called Zaruman Ten Zero? That's a bit... anticlimactic.

So, this Focus mechanic. I'm convinced I'm doing it wrong. I installed the lens Lotus game me into my warframe, and I'm getting a little bit of focus from each mission, but it's ridiculously slow. I've spent the best part of an afternoon grinding focus and only have about half of what I need to unlock the first node in the skill tree. That's the cheapest one! Of course, it's always the case that when I pick up a focus blob, enemies start becoming hard to find and/or get to.
Downloaded and tried to register yesterday, tried 19 times and it kept giving me an error on the registration page stating that I needed to prove I was human even though I was doing that ridiculous captcha garbage correctly.
Gave up and uninstalled.
I've never had too much of a problem getting past those captchas. Are you SURE you're human?

I think we've uncovered a cylon, boys! :p
Edit: Actually I initially misread your post.
A quick google shows that Humble have had this offer advertised near the bottom of some of the normal bundle web pages as well where all you've had to do was sign up to the newsletter.
I can confirm that I did not have to pay anything to get the code.
I haven't redeemed it on warframe.com yet as I'm waiting until I have time to play so I don't waste the time limited boosters.
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Update: Seems the free Warframe booster comes from an email which directs you to a personal link, so I assume
if you have an account and signed up for the newsletter that you will have this offer.
I've not seen any way to speed things up, there was an update yesterday which broke the in-game timers and a subsequent hotfix to rectify this so the download servers might have been very busy last night.
Though have to say that I've always found downloads from Warframe to be pretty slow.
Nice and free Ash Prime frame if you watched the stream too - Really got into Warframe over the last few weeks, enjoying the hell out of it.

I know its F2P but I've spent about £15 on stuff (frames and slots) for it, I spent £40 on Destiny 2 and that got a few hours of my time, I'm about 100 hours into Warframe and it's been massively enjoyable so a small amount of money for the amount of enjoyment I've had out of it :)
I really dont understand the appeal of this game.

I've tried it a few times over the years and the latest being today for a couple of hours and it still the same as it was before.
Hugely confusing interface and each mission looks and feels exactly the same.
Having team mates also makes the game worse! They all just speed through the level as fast as possible, essentially missing out on any combat or fun at all.

What am I missing here?
The fun for me is trying different frames and weapons (there's so many variations of each) and seeing what suits your play style. I'm not that far into the game yet but most people rush through if they're just ploughing through the star chart from what I can tell. If there's things you need from certain zones/missions, you can often tell people in chat and they'll oblige but otherwise I've noticed it's a case of lets just get it done.

The interface is a bit daunting though, there's a lot that isn't explained well and needs some outside research, and there's a load of really helpful people that play the game and will answer any questions you've got. It's not as toxic as I found the other players in WoW to be, which is good.

The movement and weapons are what keep me drawn in, working out what a warframe can do with it's ability set is fun, and learning how to use each one efficiently and to its maximum potential is keeping me interested in the game.

Bear in mind I'm still really early in so there's a whole load of new stuff to pick up on. I'm enjoying it massively.
@Reppyboyo : Switch to solo mode and play at your leisure. There's nothing more infuriating than a bunch of experienced pimped players racing through a mission and completing it before you've started.

The game has evolved substantially over the years and it now has a structure - Story - Missions - Daily Quests - Alerts - Open World - Events etc etc.

The game, I agree, is daunting at first with so many choices UI screens and what seems like no clear path. Just follow your Story line, complete missions and slot cards into your warframe and weapons. Everything starts to sink into place and the depth the game offers with no need to spend cash is substantial.

Any thing you don't understand just shout out in here.
I really dont understand the appeal of this game.

I've tried it a few times over the years and the latest being today for a couple of hours and it still the same as it was before.
Hugely confusing interface and each mission looks and feels exactly the same.
Having team mates also makes the game worse! They all just speed through the level as fast as possible, essentially missing out on any combat or fun at all.

What am I missing here?

It's nice to play it for an hour or so every so often, but for me as I am now semi-retired, it's nice to place this game as there are so many different things
you can do and it never gets boring (so far), but I'll never play it for longer than say 90 minutes at a time nor do I feel the need spend money on it, but that's just me.
For me, the click moment, when it went from an okay-ish looter shooter to an addictive space ninja game, was when I figured out bullet jump. I had spent so many missions with team mates who rushed ahead, and I had no idea how they were able to move so fast. The game doesn't explain it, you have to either look it up or figure it out. The game really opens up when you start experimenting with the movement system. Bullet jumps, rolls, flips, wall running, all able to be smoothly chained together into fluid motion. That's why people rush through missions - speed running is a big part of the challenge, and it really does feel good when you're traversing a map at top speed without smacking your face into obstacles.
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