Warframe... Anyone on here play?

108hrs to craft my new Warframe is what's doing my nut in. 12hrs each for the three component parts and then 72hrs to build the Warframe itself.
You can build the 3 parts that take 12hrs at the same time.

Prime mods can be purchased from Davo, he has rotating stock and also has decent weapons as well some time.
Baro Ki'Teer sells primed mods. I don't think Darvo does, but if he does he wants plat instead of ducats and credits.

Also look at alerts, I recently got a purple rifle riven mod as a reward to an easy mission.
That was a gift of the lotus mission. First time I've seen it happen.
You can build the 3 parts that take 12hrs at the same time.

Baro Ki'Teer sells primed mods. I don't think Darvo does, but if he does he wants plat instead of ducats and credits.

That was a gift of the lotus mission. First time I've seen it happen.

Yes sorry ki teer, the stupid names confuse me.

It would be easier if they were called Colin, or Dave.
what frame do you like the best?

mine now is ember prime.

I use to love mirage with the synoid simulor, i have around 28k kills with that set up. but they nerfed it, and now its rubbish :-(
what frame do you like the best?

mine now is ember prime.

I use to love mirage with the synoid simulor, i have around 28k kills with that set up. but they nerfed it, and now its rubbish :-(

I don't mind playing ember (not that I have since I maxed the non-prime), but I can't stand them in my team.

Recently I've become a bit too used to Rhino. He has it all - damage buff, damage resistance, cc. Rhino skin makes it hard to go back to squishy frames.
I've just picked this up last week, and I'm hooked. I played a little back when I first bought a PS4, and Warframe was one of the very few games available at the time. But it wasn't very polished, and when Destiny came along, it got left by the wayside.

Fast forward to last week, and I'm hearing about how Warframe is really good now. I gave it a try on PC, and was impressed at how polished it had become for a free-to-play game. At first, I didn't think it would hold my interest very long - I figured I would gather up some warframe blueprints, build a few and try them out, and eventually move on. Then I figured out how to bullet jump, then how to chain various movement abilities together to fling myself around the map like crazy. After that I was hooked.

I'm now up to planet Uranus in the star map. I've already dropped £25 on platinum, because frankly the developers deserve to get paid for making something as good as this. Spent most of it on Loki and his bundled weapons, and some cosmetic items (like the saturated colour pallet, because the free one sucks). The rest I spent on Octavia, purely because I got teamed up with an Octavia player one time and I really really wanted that music ball thing (which, as it turns out is really amazingly good at clearing rooms of enemies).

I've got Rhino and Frost under construction in the foundry. Looking forward to trying those out when they're done. Also got a Kubrow in the incubator. The egg has already hatched, and he's a pupper sleeping in the incubator. So cute.

So yeah, new warframe player reporting in. Looks like I'm in this for the long haul.
And be sure to check the wiki. You have 2 very good frames building. Rhino and frost are both pretty newbie friendly but strong and allow for different play styles. Frost is still one of the best point defense frames after years of being in the game. Rhino is great for early game content with its toughness and can help you solo a lot of content if you want.
Just out of interest - why do some of you pay plat for what can be farmed in game? Given the main point of progression is to farm for new things and level up, do you not realise you're depriving yourself of content by buying?

Aside from annoying times when a relic wont drop the prime part you need, or that 1% chance mod doesn't drop from mobs, I only pay plat for things that can't be farmed like item slots, cosmetics, and vaulted primes. All non-primes are easily farmable and have much kinder drop rates than anything else in game (unless we're talking nidus/harrow).

Just to clarify I've spent £60 on this so far ;)
I spend like you do as well. I will pay plat for some prime parts but that's plat made by selling my mods/prime parts.

I've just got back into the game after 2 years though. The whole vaulted prime thing is annoying. Do have lots of keys for vaulted stuff but not all
We're due an unvaulting any time soon. Theorycrafters have it that it will be Loki and maybe 1 more frame to come out. Loki is the second most expensive after Ember so would be happy with that!
I thought it was already confirmed it's Mirage?

My kubrow egg hatched, and I now have an adorable pupper living on my ship. Her name is Vash. For a quest, I know I'm supposed to click the "mature for combat" button, but I kinda want to keep my pupper. I wish you could get things like a dog basket and toys for it.
Mirage is gonna be the next prime. Loki Prime already exists but is vaulted so you can only get him through trading. Unless they unvault
We're due an unvaulting any time soon. Theorycrafters have it that it will be Loki and maybe 1 more frame to come out. Loki is the second most expensive after Ember so would be happy with that!
Sadly Loki prime was from back when I used to play a lot. I'm missing Valkyr, trinity, volt, nekros primes etc. Those 4 were all among my most played frames before I stopped playing so a long grind ahead to get them
Just out of interest - why do some of you pay plat for what can be farmed in game? Given the main point of progression is to farm for new things and level up, do you not realise you're depriving yourself of content by buying?

Aside from annoying times when a relic wont drop the prime part you need, or that 1% chance mod doesn't drop from mobs, I only pay plat for things that can't be farmed like item slots, cosmetics, and vaulted primes. All non-primes are easily farmable and have much kinder drop rates than anything else in game (unless we're talking nidus/harrow).

Just to clarify I've spent £60 on this so far ;)
I can't have anymore weapon slots now so need to buy plat
Valkyr Prime is in the current rotation, I think. I'm sure I got a blueprint from a lith relic last week. Of course, I lack the component blueprints, so I can't actually build it.
Valkyr Prime is in the current rotation, I think. I'm sure I got a blueprint from a lith relic last week. Of course, I lack the component blueprints, so I can't actually build it.
Ah fair enough. Right now I have like 500 relics so I have no idea what is or is not in the rotation. Feel like generally I'm working through all my old ones because I have so few of the newer ones. Don't think I have a single hydroid part so far I think. Need to farm some relics before he goes away. Any 1 else here have lots of old relics and want to go key shares etc?
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