Warhammer 40k book recommendations

I've started Aurelian, it's quite good so far.

Has anyone read the Ultramarines books? I think Dead Sun, Black Sky is possibly the most grotesque thing I've ever read. Some of the imagery in it is worse than any horror film I've seen, I've felt a bit ill at times reading it :/

I think ill have to read them after Horus Heresy:D

Ive got a question its a very minor spoiler, it might not even be one but here goes:
In the book Fulgrim the Primarch fights an avatar, and from my limited knowledge their like a demigod. Anyway on the cover of Aurelian you can see an Avatar getting killed by someone other primarch. So how many of these avatars is there and what are they about?
Avatars are shards of the the Eldar god Khaine, one has to be raised by a craftworld in a time of great need, exarches of the different aspect shrines join the court of the young king. In the ritual one of the exarches enters the chamber of the avatar at the heart of the craftworld and the avatar emerges, there is no sign of the young exarch.

tl;dr yes there's more than one :p I used to play Eldar :D
I've started Aurelian, it's quite good so far.

Has anyone read the Ultramarines books? I think Dead Sun, Black Sky is possibly the most grotesque thing I've ever read. Some of the imagery in it is worse than any horror film I've seen, I've felt a bit ill at times reading it :/

I've enjoyed most of the Ultramarines books that Graham McNeil has done but still got the last one, Chapters Due, to read. Great character in Ventris.

Got the latest HH book but halfway thru another book so will leave that to one side for now.
Ive had a look at the Ultramarines books and these are the ones that are out:
•Chains of Command (eShort)
•Leviathan (eShort)
•The Enemy of my Enemy (eShort)
•Warriors of Ultramar
•Dead Sky, Black Sun
•The Killing Ground
•The Chapter’s Due
•Consequences (eShort)
•Courage and Honour

Is that all of them is the series finished?
I think that's all of them, I'm skipping the short stories (mainly because I'm half way through and wasn't aware of them!)

After this I'm taking a break from Space Marines and might try Path of the Warrior. Only so much of the Emperor's Will you can take :p
I think that's all of them, I'm skipping the short stories (mainly because I'm half way through and wasn't aware of them!)

After this I'm taking a break from Space Marines and might try Path of the Warrior. Only so much of the Emperor's Will you can take :p

Im gonna get them off black library in an ebundle after i read up to the latest Horus Heresy which will probably be Deliverence Lost. Then by the time i finish the Ultramarine series a couple more Horus Heresy books will be out:)
I like the idea of those bundles, but they're beyond a rip off. Just look at the Horus Heresy one, £110.50 for 17 books. That's £6.50 a book!! Each paperback has been £3.99 for me at release, that's an obscene price. A bundle should save you money not cost you more.
Finished Aurelian last night, it was pretty good and gave a better insight to the word bearers. There is a certain order though to read this book before first heretic it wouldnt of made a lot sense so make sure you read up to that one.
Anyway onto the next book, problem is i dont know what it is cause wiki is down im not sure when its back up:p

Is it the outcast dead?
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Now that looks tempting :eek:

First Blood Angels novel for the Heresy though shame it isn't Dembski-Bowden writing it as he is generally the best, found Nemeses (Swallow's first effort in the series) to be solid enough but nothing special.

Also does anyone know if they are releasing the audio books in paperback and the special editions into normal paperback? Have heard rumours they are and would love them to do it as I don't like audio books but want to be able to know the whole story!
I know i may sound a little like im jumping to conclusions, BUT, if Games Workshop decide to release the big book (Horus vs Emperor) as a special edition, i'd RAGE.

I would'nt put it past them either.

Anyway, i can't wait for the Blood Angels novel, Blood Angels were the only Space Marine army i collected as a young lad (i then moved to orks).
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