Warhammer 40k (Henry Cavill and Amazon)

Bahhh **** the kids its for the adults and we know it !!

(That statement alone is just sad and awesome at the same time:) )
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Yeah, Warhammer probably mostly sells to adults but they want to get their audience hooked on the game in their teens.

But how much difference does rating make to who actually watches it? Especially on streaming platforms.
They've already got a couple of 'kid friendly' shows with their recent efforts, I think they'll go down the Boys route personally
But how much difference does rating make to who actually watches it? Especially on streaming platforms.
I suppose a show in the format of say Firefly flying about with a bunch of rogues could work decently well whilst avoiding much of the heavier stuff.
On a related note, Games Workshop does spawn some hilarious memes.


I don't think live action is the way for Warhammer 40k
Extreme cgi would be my choice. Way too much green screen required.

We used to fantasize about Schwarzenegger and Lundgren in terminator armour in a space hulk movie back when I was playing....
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I know nothing about Warhammer, but I'm now thinking Dwayne Johnson would make a great addition as a space marine, if they are huge overjacked characters!

If it had Henry and Dwayne in it, I'd watch it!

I think DJ is a bit too big a personality to be in Warhammer. He kind of just plays himself most of the time (and generally I like that) but don't think he'd fit 40k particularly well.
I can see it now, he gets cast as Ravenor, decides the hierarchy of power at GW and has to change forever and wants to ignore any and all relevant plots so Ravenor can fight next to the Emperor of Mankind and Bobby Gorillaman.
I can see it now, he gets cast as Ravenor, decides the hierarchy of power at GW and has to change forever and wants to ignore any and all relevant plots so Ravenor can fight next to the Emperor of Mankind and Bobby Gorillaman.
I didn't understand the last part, but still really funny, and probably true :D

The Rock doesn't need any of this painting battle orcs and pretend fighting stuff on his resume anyway, it's all for Jabronis.

In reality The Rock would come on set on day 1 (nice and early due to his work ethic), he'd take one look at some kid painting some aluminium figurine and tell him to paint it, add a second coat of paint, get that figurine real nice and shiny, roll it up sideways and stick it up his candy........

Please stop :p

By this I mean, no disrespect to those actors and their fans, they have their places (I liked Pain and Gain and Riddick/F&F 1), and OK fair enough maybe he's a nerd but, lawdy those two actors have a high chance of turning 40K less grim dark and more meme cringe. Couldn't suit the IP less IMO.
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Or at least providing his voice, just like he did for Groot, as his voice really matches the dark tone of 40k, even if he's not actually starring in it physically.
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