Clocked up 9 hours over the weekend.
Only really played Ogryn, which I got up to level 10.
Overall my impressions were positive, this is a worth successor to the Vermintide series.
Melee feels meaty and the shootings pretty good to. The Ogryn ripper gun, on full auto against hordes, just made me feel so powerful. But it was also satisfying to headshot distant targets with the lasgun.
Game looks amazing. I love me a bit of 40k, so to be in the bowels of a hive city was great.
The music was a big suprise for me. In games, I'm generally a bit deaf when it comes to music, I'm too focused on everything else. But this game did make me notice it a few times. On the kill mission, when the boss jumps into the arena and the music kicks in, it was a real "holy ****" moment that got the blood pumping.
I played on medium settings with my Radeon Vega 64 card, definite eye candy, but not the smoothest ride. I know a lot of people were complaining about performance, but I can't see that being fixed anytime soon, especially for launch. I wouldn't say the Vermintide games were very well optimised.
Who ever decided not to give the beta mouse options, needs a stern talking to. I'm not sure how many people played the beta with controllers on PC, but I'd put good money on them being in the minority!
Also, where the hell are the scoreboards? Battlefield 2042 did this and it was NOT popular. Worse case scenario, just let me see how many ranged/melee kills I got.
One major concern for me, which I'm sure won't bother anyone new to the series, is the choice of classes over characters. The characters in Vermintide had so much personality, their banter never got old.
Yes, the classes in Darktide talk to each other, but it doesn't feel as special. We'll never hear any more stories about cousin Okri.
I'm pretty sure this game will be a buy for me, I've been a big fan of the Vermintide series. But, I will be waiting on reviews to see what the launch state is like.
Also very curious about what the end game will be like with class and weapon varieties.