Warhammer Total War Confirmed

They do damage friendly units, they tend to shoot slower as I think they won't shoot when they will only hit your troops. That's how I have interpreted it though I may be wrong.
Need I list the amount of lore in which single characters hugely impact the events in warhammer world? Come on you are into GW stuff, it does make sense lore wise.

Plot armour in books is one thing but it doesn't make sense in the game world at all. When a single goblin on a wolf is walking around doing more than the army of several hundred goblins it's just dumb. The game is really good but it could have been so much better if they'd taken the time to pay more attention to the source material and not just stamp the warhammer IP on the existing games. For example why are there no standards in battles? They're such a huge part of Warhammer it would have been great to see standard bearers, musicians and champions in units.
Plot armour in books is one thing but it doesn't make sense in the game world at all. When a single goblin on a wolf is walking around doing more than the army of several hundred goblins it's just dumb. The game is really good but it could have been so much better if they'd taken the time to pay more attention to the source material and not just stamp the warhammer IP on the existing games. For example why are there no standards in battles? They're such a huge part of Warhammer it would have been great to see standard bearers, musicians and champions in units.

It is not plot armour it is an integral part of the warhammer world that single characters can make a huge impact, heck if you want specifics which are extremely relevant to your complaint see Deataster Sknitch (I'm thinking back a long time here but I believe that is his name) who spends most his time assinating lords et all. I could go on but he is the most relevant your example, also they do not cause more damage than an entire army, they kill 1 character. They can assault units as well and cause damage but that is both lore and game friendly with a "character" butchering loads of non characters. I know you might not like the mechanic, it can be a little frustrating, but it needs tweaked not removed just because some players aren't good enough to deal with it.

It is also an incredibly lazy comment to say they have just put warhammer IP on top of a TW game, the amount of unique faction mechanics and their dedication to the lore is plain to see. A straight port would have had Orcs able to trade (which they can't) Empire having mountain cities (which they can't) Dwarfs being good assassins (which they aren't) the list is endless.

One point I will cede is the standards/musicians, I would imagine if would be a graphical constraint trying to not only have the amount of units but also individually rendered banners. I think it would be a brilliant addition (DLC maybe) with units getting buffs from banners etc.
Deathmaster Snikch is not only a legendary character, he was the chief assassin of Clan Eshin, a clan devoted to assassins of one of the sneakiest races in Warhammer! Now how many Goblins on Wolves do you see running up to an army and killing their leader in the lore? None. The only reason it's in the game is because it's in the total war formula. Not because of the IP.
Deathmaster Snikch is not only a legendary character, he was the chief assassin of Clan Eshin, a clan devoted to assassins of one of the sneakiest races in Warhammer! Now how many Goblins on Wolves do you see running up to an army and killing their leader in the lore? None. The only reason it's in the game is because it's in the total war formula. Not because of the IP.

I have to agree with this. In Warhammer lore you would not get assassins constantly arriving and shadowing armies at every move trying to constantly kill the faction leaders. It is clearly heavily abused in this game.
Deathmaster Snikch is not only a legendary character, he was the chief assassin of Clan Eshin, a clan devoted to assassins of one of the sneakiest races in Warhammer! Now how many Goblins on Wolves do you see running up to an army and killing their leader in the lore? None. The only reason it's in the game is because it's in the total war formula. Not because of the IP.

Ok so the warhammer world is just battles, no independent actions of anyone :p

I could go through and dig out another load of examples but I'll just agree to disagree and leave it at that.
Is the game any deeper than the past few TW games? Since they removed the legacy/family trees I've lost all interest if I'm honest, does it improve at all with Warhammer?
Started my third campaign as the Vamps this time, scary how fast you can raise a huge army as them. Taking provinces quite fast at the mo through sheer numbers.
Sorry guys it's a long thread and stuff changes... I always get strung and buy TW games on release and didn't for this one... verdicts? Worth a play? Are there any real annoying bugs that are kind of game breaking like on previous iterations?


not really the dwarfs can get a grudge against themselves which wont let you complete the game.

and maybe chaos attacks to soon but its a lot better than rome 2 but wouldnt say its as good as shogun but getting better
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i loved the fact that you could raise around 7-8k skeletons and just wipe anything out :D

Yeah, then even if you loose a battle closely next turn you come back with even more units and stomp their remainder hard :p

I'm holding off pushing north and going west, just took Nuln and I have Altdorf in site (barely hit turn 50) and the Empire are sending a large army my way, crush them and that's probably it for the Empire and could have them done pre turn 100.
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