Warhammer Total War Confirmed

Well the Wood Elf DLC really refreshed the campaign as other factions.

Have played a LOT of this since it was released and got used to the campaign, but with the addition of WE's the game plays different again, so if you have completed the campaign in the past with Empire, VC or whoever, it's worth trying again now.

Have a VC save going on where the Dwarves, Empire & Myself are a three-way shield for the world against Chaos & WE's, making quite an interesting campaign.
Is it as bad as people make out? In terms of the DLC. I like TW games, and I love Warhammer tabletop. So I know I'll be very interested in this game. What's putting me off is the £40 price tag, along side the £49 price tag for all the DLC... Why are all the campaigns in DLC. Is this game really worth £90????????

And will they keep dripping DLC? If so, can you buy a dreaded season pass? If not, I'll get this on a 5 finger discount I think.
Is it as bad as people make out? In terms of the DLC. I like TW games, and I love Warhammer tabletop. So I know I'll be very interested in this game. What's putting me off is the £40 price tag, along side the £49 price tag for all the DLC... Why are all the campaigns in DLC. Is this game really worth £90????????

And will they keep dripping DLC? If so, can you buy a dreaded season pass? If not, I'll get this on a 5 finger discount I think.

Up to last week Steam had it with 50% discount
You have to wait the sales.

Or go to Argos. It has £25.99 today

As for the DLCs, no. You do not have to buy them. What you buy are playable factions. But the game Update adds them as AI either way.
But when you buy the game, claim the free DLCs. In addition, we going to have the Bretonnia DLC for FREE in February. :)

And given that each faction plays differently, is not like the previous Total Wars, if you complete all of the current ones in base game, in Ultra difficulty, you can make a decision if worth to buy the DLCs.
Imho, the only one that worth the money, is the Goblin DLC.
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Up to last week Steam had it with 50% discount
You have to wait the sales.

Or go to Argos. It has £25.99 today

As for the DLCs, no. You do not have to buy them. What you buy are playable factions. But the game Update adds them as AI either way.
But when you buy the game, claim the free DLCs. In addition, we going to have the Bretonnia DLC for FREE in February. :)

And given that each faction plays differently, is not like the previous Total Wars, if you complete all of the current ones in base game, in Ultra difficulty, you can make a decision if worth to buy the DLCs.
Imho, the only one that worth the money, is the Goblin DLC.

But why cut out those factions from the already developed game prior to launch only to sell as DLC?

Just doesn't seem right. I'll try and source elsewhere I think. I'm not giving my money to a developer/publisher who decides to be so obvious about not caring for anything more than squeezing money out of it's fanbase. Horrible approach.
While CA have a bad record of this in the past its not really the case with this title. The base game feels more complete then 90% of games released in the past 5 years, you can have 100's of hours of fun without even downloading the free DLC and play MP with people who have more/less DLC then you.

Now the only content that felt a a little cut was Bretonnia which your won't have to pay for when its released anyway, none of the other paid DLC feels anything other then content they have put extra time into developing since release/past the point they had to "print" the game (other then the blood and gore, which should have been a free optional download).

Anyway, yes the game is worth it even with all the paid DLC.

edit: Chaos warriors free for pre orders was a little annoying, although it still came 'free' with the game if you purchased within a week of launch. By then it was easy to see the game was in a good place.
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I find the pricing a little irritating but as others have said the new factions are so distinct they don't feel like crash grabs but instead genuine game changers. I haven't actually bought beastmen or WE as I had a long break to play other games after finishing Dwarf/Chaos/Orc campaign and getting into it again now it's like a totally new game with the WE & Beaatmen charging round as a well.

I think the work they have done on this game they deserve the money they make.
Guys, Bretonia is the last DLC faction coming February for free. Wait for it to come out, play the game with all other factions and on Steam Easter Sales grab the DLCs with 50%+ discount.
The next TW Warhammer, will start arriving later this year. (map & factions)

At least this TW game, every faction plays differently. Is not Shogun 2 or Attila.

And because I have all the DLCs the only DLC that truly worth to buy, is the Goblin one for the fun of it.
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Well, in the end on a quiet Sunday I couldn't resist firing it up and started a new campaign with Empire on Normal difficulty after slogging through the Dwarfs on Easy (still didn't finish the Long campaign, couldn't be bothered to get the remote keeps in the end lol), and wow, such a different style of play and I am really enjoying it. It's at the same time satisfying and frustrating to realise when you get to turn 20-25 that you have been crippling your own economy by not doing certain things early enough so I may again re-start with the benefit of that experience.

It's easily the best TW game I have ever played, not only because I am such a closet Warhammer/40k lore nerd, but because it's just so much damn fun to play. It's like my favourite books come to life, it fires my imagtination, my gaming version of a wet dream if you will.

All we need now is a Total War-esque or turn-based version of Warhammer 40k (more realistic than Dawn of War and anyway I don't like the direction the series is going in now) and I will be in heaven.

Waiting for the DLC on special... though it's cool the Wood Elves and Beastmen are also now competing factions in the vanilla base game. The extra content is so overpriced though, should be £7/£8 tops per race.
Guys, Bretonia is the last DLC faction coming February for free.

I'm surprised by this, although I'm not a fan of DLC in general so not complaining. However I would have thought they could continue releasing playable races for ages. I'm not a super Warhammer lore expert, but aren't there loads more races they could have done?
I'm surprised by this, although I'm not a fan of DLC in general so not complaining. However I would have thought they could continue releasing playable races for ages. I'm not a super Warhammer lore expert, but aren't there loads more races they could have done?

There are more races coming in the new games... Bretonnia were already i the game, just not playable.
Thereabouts done with my vampire game. Bretonia are done, Empire have 2 provinces left in the north under pressure from Chaos and I have gave Chaos enough bloody noses I know I can handle them. Only really have dwarves to deal with (who have been in a constant draining war with Orcs so aren't too powerful) to win, wood elves have been strangely passive and bar one battle with them (peace declared straight after, we've just ignored each other all game)

Only have Empire of the original factions to do after this then i'll grab expansions.
I think it is simply size and complexity would melt most machines.

Would be interesting if they considered the 3 map split ala Empire total wat but I sadly doubt we will be so lucky.
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