WARNING! Razer Pricing is Going up!

Seems the I.T. industry has decided it wants more money for no reason........HD's and now this...... its almost like there is a 'made up' recession on and everyone is being a greedy **** , oh yeah thats right society chose to use money printed by private companies that the government buys off......FAIL
On a side note - Why did OCUK stop stocking the £40 Gigabyte M8000X?

I bought one and it was pretty much the best priced high end gaming mouse currently available.
I've had a Krait and Deathadder and while they were decent when they were brand new, (apart from the squeaks(well, I suppose they are mice:D)and short cable length) they didn't last longer than a year. The switch under mouse1 button flattened and drove me nuts. Got the Reclusa keyboard of theirs but that's still working well.

Had an MX518 for 2 years now and it's never let me down and still feels as good as day 1. I'd buy another for sure or get a transformer mouse...I mean a R.A.T. mouse. Perfect for a heavy handed so and so's like me.:p

In my opinion, a totally unjustifiable price hike for not very durable products.
Hope their customer service improves. It took me 2 months to RMA a mouse and at the end i had to ship it to Germany!

Odd I had a US lycosa with an inherent fault Serial number MT07 (sticky keys and lighting turning itself on and off) and I got rudely awoken by the postman at 6 am with a replacement from New York. So I have a lycosa and a spare set of keys from my broken lycosa that I never had to send.

was a bargain from (a competitor) it was £21 (obviously because it was faulty and there returns policy is horrendous). but bargain in the end.
^^^ Well, i can pull the list of back and forth emails but this is hardly the thread to do it. In either case i would definitely think twice before buy another razer product again.
but Razer believe that their products are worthy of such a price increase
... and the general public say nay.

Not a smart move imo, a massive price increase with no justification to it is bound to turn back and bite them in the arse
well if the people that sell their products say its greed wont that see a lot of compaines stop stocking them as they wont sell?
Sticking to my love of Logitech :p I have the Logitech Wave keyboard and the G9x mouse and I love them. Those price hikes are frankly just plain old stupid.

Robbing swines!

as i mentioned, there will be no price changes to the headset range

There will be eventually I expect.:mad:

No way can I justify the cost of a buying a Razer mouse or keyboard now, with that price hike.

Razer are making a big mistake, will this be the end of Razer, I expect a lot of peeps look to Logitech, etc.
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