Sorted Jewish!!
What was up mate? Trust me if you dont want to put on forum
Sorted Jewish!!
Hey Rebel
Download this!
It is an external launcher for ARMA II..
Once you have down that and set up the parameters including the beta patch, download for that is
Launch options.
Your name as profile.
world is empty, no splashscreen, run beta all ticked. Opposite side, run with the amount of CPUs you have!
First page is addons.. Right click addons on the right hand side and create a new group! Name it anything you want!
If you dont see anything on the left, either refresh or restart. Once done, drag the expansions over to the group and tick the group!
To run ARMA ii with the launcher, bottom right (game Version) make sure it s set as ARMA II- CO for combined ops..
Thats it
I get the slight freeze, maybe for a second or somewhere the weather changes at all..
It's obviously a problem with the dynamic weather scripting, you should see the code in that script, mental... So I have to leave it in just now.. Maybe in the future, I can see about doing something..
I run jsrs sound mod, non ace version obviously. Blast core visuals for the smoke, explosions etc..
I recommend usi g six launcher or armarize to download the mods, that way you know you are using the version that the keys on the server are for..
Yeah mate, and you should see the jsrs logo bottom left next to your expansions..
Some changes that have been made to mission..
Thermal weapons have been removed. Two variants of the L85 have been introduced.
3 new capture the jet missions have been inserted.
Random spawning of anti vehicle and anti personnel weapons inside buildings.
Two roaming vehicles with a laser designator in cargo. Will allow an airstrike to be called in.
IEDs and mines removed from cache, guess where you find them now..
Random air patrols by blufor and opfor ai. Can be any air vehicle..
Scud launcher mission changed to mobile artillery.
Removed logo to reduce the size of mission by more than 1/4.