Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Found the problem!

Looks like it is the script for spawning weapons inside buildings!!

I can remove it for this version and upload when server is quiet!

I'll get it sorted for next version!
Still testing mate!!

Want to make sure 100% that it is working!

Even if I upload a version without thermals would that be ok! Until I can find the problem!
Think my ARMA II install is corrupt!!

Getting stupid errors all over the place with simple lines!!

Back on to it tomorrow guys, head is done in!
Lol mate..

Going to upload a version tonight with no thermals in gun shop or in the ammo caches..

Will also have the call in airstrike script in place for anyone with a las designator..
We THINK found a bug with the game that makes the server entirely unstable/unplayable

We THINK if you get into the debug world and you move too far, primarily when you're in a helicopter due to the speed that the anti teleport script kicks in, also thinking that the script only covers the playable area of the map. What happens is, it then ports you between where you are and where you've got to repeatedly until you're successfully out of the debug world or a good distance away or it stops farting and levels its self out.

Heres a video.

This seems to cause MASSIVE desync to everybody, when I pressed P and checked players ping and desync most were 500+ ping and 1200+ desync. Due to the pings, it would only take a lag spike to confuse the teleport script as to where you were and where your client then tells the server where you are. I can't however confirm that people werent lagging already or desyncing badly I think also both times the server was over 35 people. I did note that "Alexander" had a desync of over 45k (possibly could have been the start if someone was badly lagging to begin with?)

Before you opportunists jump in, in the video at the start I believe josh was taking a wide circle to come back to land when the first one happened. The second video, I tried to get into the chopper on the ground a lot of times and it just wouldnt work.. then all of a sudden I was in the chopper and sat on the ground for ages telling grant to fly (he already was) then it started randomly porting me and grant (pilot) between where he'd got to. He flew to the edge of the map to set a proper marker as it was a bit hairy or at least we thought it was going to get hot soon. Actually looking at it I dont even think he's in the debug world but as I didnt see the flight he could have grazed into it and I'm sure he said he went in there to.

Watching the second part of the video, you see I have a marker down and it looks to be around 800-900 that its porting us between. As Jewish mentions in the first portion its porting us between 45ft up to 900ft which again is 800-900. I always thought the script activated over 300?

I think but they will have to confirm that they went for a 30k pickup from the debug world.. maybe out of morbid curiousity I really dont know but the flight went mostly ok and then it happened again when they were flying back. So that makes me wonder if a lag spike while moving at speed in the debug area causes the problem. I think also the server was quite full again.

I wonder if we can recreate it with a chopper over normal land and somehow cause the server to ping lag?

From what I've read about scripting in Arma2 something that constantly requests and updates information to the server from a lot of clients causes a lot of desync to happen. I dont think just from one constantly updating script it'll cause it so I'm wondering how many of these you have running? Does the car respawn script constantly check if a car needs spawning and other similar?
Good information mate..

As a test I can turn off the teleport script...

And see how the server reacts to that.. As you are probably aware it constantly scans each player and object to see if it has moved more than 3 mtrs in less than a specified time..

This mission tonight, around 8pm if working ok will have it removed..

Appreciate it mate..

The way wasteland is designed as far as I can understand, it does have a few scripts running all the time...

I have been trying to implement any ides on a individual basis... Guess it screwed up one or more of the running scripts.. Will do small updates from now on.
Why not just stay out of the debug? That has to be the answer instead of removing anti cheat measures.

Perhaps a better option would be to put it in the welcome message to avoid the debug areas.
It'd be a shame to have to turn it off as of yet I've only experienced one cheater and he mass killed a lot of people, I think by dropping them but he must have been close to them.. as it tried to move me (not the teleport I told you about the other day) but it moved me about 5m and I carried on with my life, I dont think penguin or josh died either when it happened.

Never seen cars teleported everywhere either so I'm hoping its because of the script.

If it is checking EVERY object and you have what.. 700 "vehicles" which includes moveable fortifications and then dealing with every player and their actions I could see why its struggling.. actually wasnt it over 1100 or did I get that from tonics server?

There has been othertimes where the desync has been horrible aswell. Perhaps an object spawned outside in the debug world? Maybe to do with when people get stuck in debug when they respawn and stay there? AI perhaps wandering out there to?

I dont think you'll get results tonight as its not every night that there is a desync problem at least not hugely like in the video.

Richie I agree but when the viewing distance is high to avoid being hit by gunfire mid fight you have to move out quite a way, I believe the reason the debug world exists the way it does is for fast moving jets/choppers otherwise you'd slam into invisible walls.. they are there to be used temporarily.. there are so many reasons why the teleporting chopper/massive desync could happen its a case of working out what it is.. and if its the teleport script, extending its range, I'm assuming its simply a case of it working within "setpoint" or grid co-ords but it could be vehicles spawning in there, ai.. ect ect as above and again with ai air patrols and jet missions its going to get worse.

Perhaps there is a script that monitors the debug/out of bounds and gives you 10-20seconds to get back before you die? Ala Battlefield..
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The vehicles and objects are deigned to spawn around a certain area of towns.each town is already named, so they shouldn't be spawning in the debug..

There are other ways to catch scrot users, so won't be a major problem to turn it off.

Plus its not Luke we would be losing dayz tome played. Most of us a re killed regularly.
I really dont know how the scripted spawning works. I've only messed around making ieds spawn.. where I realised that the trigger location pointing to "car1" meant that no matter where "car1" was thats where the ied would be going off so had to make some rubble and call it ied1 and change the trigger to spawn/creat an explosion there.. took me a while to work out my error.. essentially I only wanted my ied to blow the bloody doors off but well... it was ending the mission heh so my level of arma2 editting is novice at best!

Do you have the vechs spawn in a radius around a point in the town is that how it works and are all the radiuses within the confines of the playable area? None could spawn on a hill and roll down.. I guess when they spawn on a hill from what I've seen they spawn in the hill somewhat?

Could you check the monitoring area of the teleport script?

Back to speculation and a long shot.. but when you run AI over they often launch and disappear.. could be dead bodies from people who spawn in the debug also causing the issue. Anyway I'll stop speculating now and see if your solution fixes it MarkeR and then I can bring out some more conspiracies as to why it is if it carries on :)
It's ready!!

This is what I have done!!

Removed 90% of the thermal weapons, will work on the other stuff later!
Added randomly timed jet spawns. 1 at a time!
Changed Scud to Mobile Artillery.
Added more beacon respawns. (I think) :)
Lowered money.
Added back in BTR90 into the random vehicle spawns!
Airstrike is available with a laser designater. Once only then des is removed from player!

If there is anything else I will add to it, will update changelog when I can be bothered! :)
Nice MarkeR :)

I had a thought while out for my run about an hour ago.

Could you possibly make one of the Airfields heavily gaurded but with some nice loot to be had and by heavily I mean snipers around it, around 40-50 troops, armour and mounted guns protecting it, requiring some serious firepower and co-ordination. Add your own fortifications to it to reduce the openness of it and make it harder to assault but have something amazing there to make it worth while. It would certainly give us somewhere to convene and I predict once it's taken, there will be a fight to secure it as a homebase for either factions or lone groups big enough to defend it. Could be as simple actually as a garenteed place for the best of the caches or numerous caches. I wouldnt put lots of empty armour there though there again.. I think I'd have as much fun taking out a platoon of armour as I would driving it around :D

I could imagine the choke points being good battle grounds and the defending team would likely have spawn beacons further back in the air field or that mobile spawn point you were on about.. this is of course once it's been cleared of AI.

I would say that it could be player done but with it not being a persistent saved world and not being able to spawn ai in ourselves it'd be difficult. Not to mention that its too easy to move fortifications and to totally wall it off youd often be far enough away that people could still move things.

I think in between missions it would give a good place for fire fights to happen and a constant objective to go for. Especially if there was something there that wasnt movable, again even non-movable caches would work. Static indestructible repair/refuel/rearm stations.

The entire time I'm writing this I'm thinking that the NW airfield makes the most sense, its the most popular place probably due to DayZ (for me) but its also the most open and makes for a good base to transform how you like. You could leave a few entry points to be player guarded and walled off.. causing reason to go on patrols round to check your base is ok. Its also not out the way, overly hard to get to and easy enough to find and with enough AI defence the spoils inside wouldnt be easily taken. Even after that maybe a scripted chinook AI reinforcement every few hours would be good.. the odd tank being air dropped in, random ai apache.. so if its ever left alone, its at least partially guarded and hostile to all. Imagine fending off the player horde only for an apache to make an appearance and start devastating you or even in the middle of the fight, who will it go after... run for the trees people, could cause a temporary cease fire to work on the AI.. I doubt it but hey, its nearly christmas it could happen!

As far as the game goes you've done awesome modding it and the only thing I can see that seems to be lacking is something to do when you can't find people to kill or when the server is empty ish/just started. Something that really draws peoples attention.

Anyway back to the mayhem. Read the description for why this was satisfying, my only regret is that Duckee wasn't driving the BMP.

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