Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Defo need to tone down the heli spawns. Totally forgot to look at that script. Found about 3 within 10mins then enemy had a chinook also!
FAO Melbo:

-28 choppers reported on the server from admin menu
-7 MV22 Osprey all damage 1, I assume these are missions
-Player tags didn't work for anyone on my team tonight (opfor) Name tags still work
-Mission spawned in exact same place as an active mission (1 chopper/supply drop)
-Green square icon flashing above benneh's head every second or so (opfor)

-Someone setup a road block at Kabanino, I got fired on when driving past. Went to investigate, killed a guy standing on the gunner of the TOW. No kill message. He killed me and was AI. With M8 sharpshooter, 1 satchel, 1 mine.

Is the fog supposed to stay the same the whole time? It was constant and killed the view distance.

Didn't get to test squads, someone said they were working though.
Cheers mate. The amount if choppers I should have fixed for next version. Out of interest how many of the 28 had damage 1? There is a script that spawns in heli wrecks for some reason so need to take a look at that.

Player icons still confuse me. They worked for me when I joined. I am going to try calling them in a different place and see if that helps any. At least the name tags are working.

Mission spawning on top of existing mission...will tell the 404 boys. Is this the first time this has happened on recent version?

Confused with the AI business!

Did the fog stay the whole time? I should be able to toggle the fog off if not will stop using the dynamic weather script.

I believe the green flickering icon is a known bug as is the group system breaking.
That AI guy was controlled by one of the players, he could give it orders etc. Said the AI guy was there before he created a squad for his inde team mates.

Probably right about the Heli wrecks, there were a bunch on the server.
I have a feeling that the AI guy was scripted in, however I could have course be talking complete nonsense!

Also of note, the server seemed to change time quite dramatically at points, again, don't know if this was down to someone scripting away quite merrily.

PS. Best Opfor / Altar base ever.

PPS. Linebacker is so full of win.

PPPS. I really shouldn't be awake at this hour, Wasteland is far too addicting...
We had the linebacker n before. It was removed because of its thermal ability .

Melbo I am out for most of the day now, if you restart the servers, can you change the slot count to 81 for server 1 and 56 for server 2. Reserved slots are now stored via BEC admin.xml file.

Stopped both servers and upped the player counts to 81 and 56, this gives us the same player count as before, but also gives us 6 reserved slots for admins etc!

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