Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

so there i was playing some online racing when my character completely disappeared lol


OK caved in and brought the PS4 version. Played more on the PS4 today than PC since relase! So far this game ahs cost me £98.00:eek:

The PS4 is a little bright in day light for my liking. Night looks good.
So far not much differnce between them.
Completed the main storyline last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it and found the storyline to be pretty good if a little predictable. Hardly touched any of the free roam/side mission type things so will have a pop at some of those until I get bored. Game ran immensely well for me at Ultra/High settings on my modest system @1920x1080. I was getting around 30-40 fps most of the time which was fine for me.

Ah well, back to Wolfenstein New Order, think I'm close to finishing that too!
3 missions from the end now and I can't wait for this crap to be over. Each recent mission has just been poor design after poor design, the story has revealed itself to be as hollow as UKIP, and the more combat they throw at you the more cracks appear in the cover system.

On a mission atm, fighting my way across a roof, and they throw in a helicopter firing at you as you take on a private army...ok so far, except you have to come out of cover to take out a helicopter as you can't look up enough without aiming and it just becomes tedious.
I get the splash screen of watchdogs then black screen like its loading. then CTD.


Cant get SweetFX to work.

You using Radeon Pro for SweetFx? I had the same with r pro, disabling API monitoring cured it, however sweet fx didn't work. I added sweetfx manually into the watch dogs directory bin folder and pointed it to the preset worked like a charm. Windows 7 though, I know 8/8.1 can be a bit funny with sweetfx but I don't have personal experience.
Try adding all files off sweetfx folder into bin folder of watch dogs. Then adding the preset you want into sweetfx>presets. Then in bin folder there will be a sweetfx preset txt document. Add in the name of the preset in the text document In that file where the " are and save.
3 missions from the end now and I can't wait for this crap to be over. Each recent mission has just been poor design after poor design, the story has revealed itself to be as hollow as UKIP, and the more combat they throw at you the more cracks appear in the cover system.

On a mission atm, fighting my way across a roof, and they throw in a helicopter firing at you as you take on a private army...ok so far, except you have to come out of cover to take out a helicopter as you can't look up enough without aiming and it just becomes tedious.

For someone so negative about the game you've only but played it a lot since release
For someone so negative about the game you've only but played it a lot since release

+1. If its crap why play until the end? His opinion would mean a lot more if he had tried it and hated it

Well he paid release-price money for it for one thing, which is an incentive to give a game slightly more of a chance than if you picked it up cheap in a Steam sale... Plus the general feeling of investment that by the time you've put in a lot of hours in a game it seems silly to just abandon it

I think it is more valuable to hear someone's opinion who has played through the entire game and had the opportunity to see the full picture
For someone so negative about the game you've only but played it a lot since release

+1. If its crap why play until the end? His opinion would mean a lot more if he had tried it and hated it

Usually, I would not bother, but I am going to try and help your comprehension here, as the pattern of trying to snuff out any criticism of games is a worrying trend around here lately imo, and the general attitude that people do not have the right to complain/criticize products that they have paid for is growing, and is something I really don't like. If you look back on this thread since the game has been released, I have posted some of the most positive comments about this game, and also some of the most negative. I have also recommended that people buy the game. I am not going to just praise everything about the game as there are many things I do not like about it, but also I have been very fair and quick to praise the good aspects and bits I have enjoyed:

This has the best in-game poker I have ever seen.

I really do love parts of this game. Gameplay-wise, the main campaign so far has been very good, and just exploring on your own is great. There are many unpolished bits though that spoil it.

The cover controls are really good. And talking of controller/KB, this has probably the most seamless switching between the two I Have seen as well. I don't use the feature myself, but it is very handy for those that do.

I have really enjoyed the game for the last few hours, but how much longer can they drag out this ****ing kidnapping!...the story would be 100% improved without it. It is so unnecessary tbh, and fails miserably in trying to create some kind of personality for Aiden.

Had a really good session last night, with quite a few good missions in a row(though it is slightly devolving in to a series of shootouts). Also some really good bits of online.
This is more like it. On a mission now to sneak in somewhere to interrogate someone, was spotted so I killed the guys who saw me, then after I had interrogated the guy, had the option to sneak back out or kill the rest of them.

This game is really brilliant in parts, but let down by others. I am still overall enjoying it though and don't regret buying it, but then I have been lucky with performance it seems.

Sorry for not breaking it down in to a 1/10 or 10/10, but when playing through a game, especially one as big and long as this, with so many different elements in it, your opinion of it should be constantly changing, and I have been very fair over all in my evaluation of the game.

Truth is, I hated the last 4-5 missions in the game, as there were some awful chases/evasions, big firefights which showed the limitations of the combat system, glitching all over the place(cause that's cool right Ubisoft?) and the story revealed itself to be very weak.
I think it is more valuable to hear someone's opinion who has played through the entire game and had the opportunity to see the full picture

Well in that case, I've completed the entire game and all side activities.

My lasting impression is that it's an above average/good game. Nothing particularly special but neither is it pathetic/rubbish or brilliant/original, which seems to be the extremes of opinion you hear about. No idea why a game can't be average/good without people dismissing it as garbage.

Is it worth £10 to £40 is a ridiculous question, and is more about what an individual can afford rather than how much games cost to develop. Personally I don't normally buy new full price games as I can't afford to do so, and the only reason I got this on release is that I had GMG credit I could use.

For perspective I've 100% assassin creeds, batman's, Saints Rows, Sleeping Dogs, but never completed a GTA game as they've always ended up boring me.

As a counter point to the above comments. Whilst nothing original I enjoyed the story overall, and the last missions were fine. I think the combat / cover system works well, and suggest people play on hard as its pretty easy otherwise.

p.s. no idea what glitches people have had, as it was fine for me.
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This game really needed to be made by CD Projekt, or perhaps the Fallout devs. Anyone that knows how to put more personality and soul into their games.

There were lots of story choices that would have improved things. For instance, I would feel more for Aiden's plight if it had been his daughter that was killed rather than niece. That would push normal people into a vigilante death run let alone his character.

It just smacks of a game that went through several re-designs and choices.

And for an open world, the world isn't very open is it. Look at all of those closed shops everywhere, how does the city survive with everything shut down 24/7. The city just has no soul whatsoever.

Should have set it in Detroit to cover up that part of it.

GTA games are the master of the sandbox because there's just so much stuff to do. Everything feels open and alive.

I finished it and traded my copy in, I couldn't even find value in keeping it as a collectible and I did intend to keep all of my PS4 games this generation.

Reminds me of when AC1 came out, expect the next one to be better but they need to abandon the samey stuff they use in the AC and Far Cry games. They are basically all the same game but different mods.

7 / 10
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