Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

Wow... I think based on this video the answer is "Yes, definitely"... The environment in the entrance to that club in particular seems so much more sterile and drab without the nice smoke and lighting effects, and the petrol station explosion in the finished game is just laughably bad by comparison

It makes a total mockery of the industry that companies are allowed to mislead gamers to such an extent. Laws need to be put in place. It's happening again and again in demonstrations/new releases.
It makes a total mockery of the industry that companies are allowed to mislead gamers to such an extent. Laws need to be put in place. It's happening again and again in demonstrations/new releases.

Grrr, evil *****. Remember how they made you watch that video back in 2012? Then remember how they hid ALL details of the game for 2 years and didn't show it until millions had bought it? Grrr, bad men.
Managed to play this after lowing all the settings and I have to say I'm really disappointed. I've played 4 or 5 missions and I'm bored.

I also feel like there should have been a prequel because from what I've seen nothings making much sense.

Glad I didn't pay full price for this.
It makes a total mockery of the industry that companies are allowed to mislead gamers to such an extent. Laws need to be put in place. It's happening again and again in demonstrations/new releases.


Has anyone heard anything about the lawsuit brought against either the people behind Aliens Colonial Marines or EA for BF4?
Managed to play this after lowing all the settings and I have to say I'm really disappointed. I've played 4 or 5 missions and I'm bored.

I also feel like there should have been a prequel because from what I've seen nothings making much sense.

Glad I didn't pay full price for this.

What doesn't make sense?
It makes a total mockery of the industry that companies are allowed to mislead gamers to such an extent. Laws need to be put in place. It's happening again and again in demonstrations/new releases.
Here's the thing though, why doesn't it look like it did in the E3 demo? It is possible to do it on PC. Given the choice of being marked as having "mislead the community" why deliberately downgrade graphics that are possible. I don't accept that it's a technical limitation.

Was it just so that console gamers didn't feel too bad about their low powered boxes?
The one thing I don't get, is the first video to advertise this game.

It show's Pierce going into Dot.Connexxion, he hacks into this woman's phone, who happens to be talking to a guy called DeMarco. She tells him Pierce is there and he says "keep him there, I'm on my way".
Pierce then leaves and heads towards the traffic lights, hacks lights, causes accident and proceeds to shoot a number of bodyguards. He then drags DeMarco out of his car. DeMarco says, "you don't know what you are getting into".
Pierce's responds, "I want you to send a message", then shoots him.
Now, to me, this set the scene for any number of possibilities. It had conspiracy and intrigue written all over it. But we all know what we eventually got.
They should have spent more time on the story instead of all the other distractions and inane side missions. The side missions should have been more connected to the main story, as in obtaining leads, passwords, etc, that will assist you as the game went on.

But overall, I just think this game is a big disappointment. It could have been so much more.
Completed it the weekend, imo one of my biggest gaming disappointments of recent times. Compared to the E3 reveal I was expecting some sort of dark story driven movie style Techno-thriller and what we got was a generic open world game, with lots of third person shooting sections. Not only were the graphics downgraded, but the tone, voice acting and over all feel (what you can get from a trailer anyway)

....Saying that I absolutely loved every minute of it though!! It reminded me of Far Cry 3, boring story, generic protagonist - absolute blast to play!

I brought it for PC (incl Season Pass) and PS4, and do not regret my purchases at all. It just didnt live up to my impossibly high hopes I had!
They should have spent more time on the story instead of all the other distractions and inane side missions. The side missions should have been more connected to the main story, as in obtaining leads, passwords, etc, that will assist you as the game went on.

I agree, and the story would have been much better without the kidnapping which just gets in the way.
Here's the thing though, why doesn't it look like it did in the E3 demo? It is possible to do it on PC. Given the choice of being marked as having "mislead the community" why deliberately downgrade graphics that are possible. I don't accept that it's a technical limitation.

Was it just so that console gamers didn't feel too bad about their low powered boxes?

Yeah it's strange, some better assets clearly existed, where did they go? Same with Aliens.

Completed it the weekend, imo one of my biggest gaming disappointments of recent times. Compared to the E3 reveal I was expecting some sort of dark story driven movie style Techno-thriller and what we got was a generic open world game, with lots of third person shooting sections. Not only were the graphics downgraded, but the tone, voice acting and over all feel (what you can get from a trailer anyway)

Knew it would be the case, was never hyped for the game. Ubisoft pls.
I agree, and the story would have been much better without the kidnapping which just gets in the way.

It would have made more sense if Pearce and his partner Damien, had worked together after the hit was put on them. Then have Damien double cross him at the end, for the final Boss fight.
Tbh, it does'nt really say a lot about the imagination of the story writers, if this was the best they could come up with.:(
It would have made more sense if Pearce and his partner Damien, had worked together after the hit was put on them. Then have Damien double cross him at the end, for the final Boss fight.
Tbh, it does'nt really say a lot about the imagination of the story writers, if this was the best they could come up with.:(

Very true but as a game I love it and am really enjoying it none the less
The ending "revelation" on the video was really disappointing. I was expecting a really dark and grim story, but it just didn't deliver

Once again, i find myself agreeing so much the the angry joe review. Interesting characters being underused, weak story and unlikable protagonist.

Biggest frustration was the radio, i really hated it. Found myself going mad just listening to the same rubbish rap radio over and over and don't understand why the game is punishing me to actively try and unlock more music which is still rubbish. The scripted mission music was pretty good though.
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